The content of Dude, Wake Up is going to change. As you have noticed (and can see by the dates), nothing has been posted here for one (1) month. Most of what has been posted on Dude, Wake Up are news-worthy events from around the world. Now and then there has been a post about something trivial. But as the events of the world are broadcasted over the news, I cannot deny the reality of my faith in Jesus Christ and how these events are simply leading to his return.
I noticed a commercial today on television advertising a new show called Revelations. The thing that stood out most to me about the trailer was that it was a show about things in the Bible. Particularly this show appears to be geared toward either bringing to light that the end times are not as far off as we think...or perhaps toward drawing on the words of Jesus Christ about the end times and then displaying examples of events he discussed. We won't really know until the show begins airing, but Media networks are actually airing Christian-based shows? Isn't that against the Anti-Christian Leave-God-out-of-everything Union (better known as the ACLU) bylaws, rules, regulations, charter, constitution, provisions, and governing protocols? They are probably steamed, sitting in their stuffy offices, seedily drawing up some kind of charge against airing such shows as I write this anyway.
Ah well. Who really cares. They are just another bunch of rebellious murmurers and complainers who fear to acknowledge the Most High. Trying (word is used on purpose to state a point)...trying to kick out the Maker. Trying to kick God out of everyday life is like trying not to have toenails by pulling them all out. (They grow back eventually.) Trying to kick God out is like trying to put a lid on a volcano so it won't blow ...or do damage when it does. (Ain't gonna happen.) Trying to prevent God from "interfering" is like facing a tornado and sticking your hand out to stop it. (Be prepared to meet your Maker...face down.)
Yeah so when did the world suddenly become God-conscious?
Was it when the ISLAMIC terrorists became bold and struck at the U.S. ? (September 2001)
Was it when the Iraq war broke out and their sons, daughters, wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters were sent over? (March 2002)
Was it when the SARS virus, Avian Flu virus, skin-eating virus, and other kinds of viruses began appearing and killing people? (2001-2003)
Was it when the Tsunamis washed over several HINDU and MUSLIM countries...destroying homes, businesses, lands, and killing thousands of people for the world to witness? (December 2004)
Was it when Pope John Paul II suffered complications prior to his physical body finally releasing his spirit? (April 2005)
[Dates will be corrected upon research & discovery of errors.]
These are just small things, folks.
Let me just state this for the record: People don't turn to God until they have nothing left to turn to.
And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But it IS a sad thing. What that tells me is that until a person is completely broken...until a person is empty of self and selfishness...until all the world's intelligent reasoning cannot answer their simple question of "why?"...they will not turn to the very One Who gives grace and mercy freely...Who loves deeply beyond our comprehension...Who works all things together for GOOD to those who LOVE him and are called according to his purpose (not according to their works, not according to their good deeds, not according to their deserving it...but according to his purpose).
It is sad that a person has to come to such heartache and loss to recognize the awesome love of God.
WHAT?! How can you talk about the love of God when there is destruction and devastation?! I don't see any love in that!
Of course you don't. Because you don't know God. If you knew Him, you would recognize his love even in the most horrific of circumstances. But first - you have to want to know Him. Without that desire in you, nothing more can be shown to your closed heart.
So Dude, Wake Up is going to gear toward Waking Up God's people by reporting news that reflect the moanings and groanings of this world for the manifestation of the sons of God. Waking Up those who have been asleep (zombie-like, catatonic) going through the motions of everyday living and exposing them to truths that Jesus Christ spoke of concerning the end times and how everything that gears toward the end times affects EVERYONE. Yes, everyone.
Strong language advisory warning will be in effect. Mincing words will not be a requirement, but as the Holy Spirit leads me to use tact when it is shall I do. My character & God's character are not to be confused. Though I pray daily for God to search my heart & remove what is not placed there by Him, my flesh strives against spirit. The personality God has given to me from the time I was in my mother's womb is one that loves deeply, but can be very firm & unyielding. Building a relationship with me will reveal that deep love he has placed there, thus establishing trust which will reveal the motives behind my words. So if the words cut, then let the flesh be severed. The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) And that is what God is after: OUR HEARTS.
He warns us to keep (preserve, guard, observe) our hearts (inner man, mind, will, understanding, moral character) with all diligence (observances); for out of it are the issues (it is the source) of life. (Proverbs 4:23) To rephrase this a little, using the definitions prior (in paranthesis) of words from the original Hebrew translation: We have to defend our mind, will, and emotions -- those things that make up our soul realm -- our seat of appetites, of courage, of emotions and passions with a careful watch...continually watching...because from the heart comes the source, escape, the outgoing of life.
Perhaps that shall be the next article: The heart & how it impacts life according to God.
Until then, Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21:36)
That word watch is agrupneo {ag-roop-neh'-o} and it means in the original Greek 1) to be sleepless, keep awake, watch 2) to be circumspect, attentive, ready
written 4/11/05, edited & posted 4/22/05