First the natural, then the spiritual.
Here is how other countries are showing their dislike for the USofA.
25 stars & 14 stripes eh? DOH! Korea's encouragement for countrymen to step on the USA flag.
DEMONSTRATIONS OF SUPPORT FOR IRAQ, BURNING AMERICAN & ISRAELI FLAGS "Land Day" in the Arab sector, which took place this Sunday (March 30) was marked by demonstrations of support for Saddam Hussein.
On Wednesday, [Muqtada al-Sadr] said a statement that "believers within (Iraq) especially those who reject occupation should respond to the profaning of God's holy book and for their violations of holy places by drawing the American and Israeli flags in the ground in front of mosques." God's holy book? More like Mohammed's book isn't it? The protests follow Muqtada al-Sadr's call Wednesday to reject the U.S. occupation of Iraq by painting Israeli and American flags on the ground outside mosques to be stepped on in protest raids against holy places. What does Israel have to do with this? Oh I know - let's just group them (Israel & the U.S.) together because we don't like them both for our own personal religous reasons, right?
Shiites burning the american flag Al-Sadr followers in Najaf, Kufa and Nasiriyah painted American and Israeli flags on most streets near mosques before stepping on them, chanting: "Down, down Israel; down, down USA".
more flag burning information BEIRUT -- In his workshop in suburban Beirut, Reef Hammoudi has been painting Israeli and American flags at the rate of 50 a day, so high is the demand from people demonstrating in support of the new Palestinian "intifada." He does them on nonabsorbant cloth just an hour or so before they are due for ritual burning because, he says, "I can't stand them in my shop and they disgust my clients."
Ok - so we get the point. They don't like the U.S.A. -- or Israel for that matter. What's new?
Do they want us to cry because they're burning replicas of our flag or stomping on inaccurate hand-drawn images? Sorry. No tears from me.
v 1: cause to become awake or conscious; 2: stop sleeping
Monday, May 23, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
CNN Headline news continued to cover the story yesterday about the uproar in Pakistan regarding "the desecration of the Qu'ran." All I could think was, "If someone or some group 'desecrated' the Bible, I have all the confidence in heaven & earth that God's arm is not too short to take care of the matter Himself. He certainly does not need help in recompensing any human error -- whether it is accidental through ignorance or blatant through willfulness."
Whether the story had any truth in it is not really the issue anymore after witnessing the response from the Muslims. What ensued afterwards was hardly the kind of response that would come from a living, Almighty God. It was most definitely a flesh-driven response and costed some folks their lives. And for no reason at all really. Except that Ishmael's seed follows after Ishmael, "And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." (Genesis 16:12)
When people profane/desecrate/pollute/defile the holy things of God, including Him, then this is what He says about it: "Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD. " (Ezekiel 22:31)
So what's the fuss really all about? God will take care of what is important to Him.
Whether the story had any truth in it is not really the issue anymore after witnessing the response from the Muslims. What ensued afterwards was hardly the kind of response that would come from a living, Almighty God. It was most definitely a flesh-driven response and costed some folks their lives. And for no reason at all really. Except that Ishmael's seed follows after Ishmael, "And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." (Genesis 16:12)
When people profane/desecrate/pollute/defile the holy things of God, including Him, then this is what He says about it: "Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD. " (Ezekiel 22:31)
So what's the fuss really all about? God will take care of what is important to Him.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Perversion in the Pulpits – part 1
Tonight, on Channel 11 news, I watched & listened to the most disgusting thing I have ever heard in my short existence of a life thus far. I thought Faces of Death was disgusting when I was living a worldly existence, but nothing…NOTHING could be as disgusting (that I know of yet) as this apostasy, perversion, manipulation, diversion of the Word of God: A Priest…a “man of God”… ordained or appointed or anointed, licensed (or whatever it takes these days, cracker jack box application maybe?) into a position as the head of the Body of Christ…and behind closed doors (or in the shadows where none can see… or hidden away behind a dual identity …or however deceitful the application)… NOT ONLY HIM/HER-SELF PRACTICES/ENGAGES IN PERVERSION, but also engages/encourages another in the same perversion!
I just wanted to puke.
Read the article. Click on the link. Bring a barf bag first!
The whole reason this came to light is because this guy, Fred May, admitted he was no saint and nobody would believe him…but he wondered how many people or children had this supposed “man of God” done this to:
First the easy stuff:
Several things about this story disgust me…and confirm something I’ve always believed, which is: The ROOT of that religion (Catholicism) is ROTTEN and now we are seeing the FRUIT.
Oh? You think I’m being too hard? You think I’m perhaps opposed to the Catholic church? You think I’m being controversial and starting an argument and that it is very un-Christian-like?
I tell you a truth: If your heart is truly after God’s heart, then you’d know what disgusts Him and you would not question where my words come from. To know the heart of the Father is to know His heart on issues like this. To know the heart of the Father requires spending time with Him as you would with an earthly father: communing with Him (through prayer), reading His word, which He inspired man to write what “is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"(2 Timothy 3:16), thanking Him always, & loving Him with everything within you.
You are far from the truth if you question these things concerning my motives. The truth is: Too many people attend churches, accept Jesus Christ into their hearts, and then are fed poison. The truly sad thing about it? Not only are they fed the poison, but then they defend the poison-giver. The first thing that came to my mind as I wrote that sentence was a bunch of junkies being fed drugs by a drug-runner. Same difference except one is in the spiritual & one is in the natural. Getting high off a false doctrine. Getting a fix on Sunday. Going back to that teaching that’s comfortable, easy-going, puts you in a good mood, makes you happy.
You know it’s sad but true.
I detest false teaching. I detest perversion in the pulpits. I detest seeing shepherds lead the sheep astray. I detest seeing masses of people who are poor in spirit, seeking Jesus Christ, being snared into pits of destruction reserved for darkness & hell. I detest seeing the Truth manipulated to accommodate men’s pleasures.
Why? Because people want truth and they’re getting a lie ! They come to buy gold and they get fool’s gold ! They come to buy silver & get a cheap imitation ! They come to taste honey & get ethylene glycol instead, but don’t have a clue ! They think they’re worshipping the one true God, but they’re worshipping a man-made idolatrous image !
Can pure, clean water come from an infected, unclean vessel?
Can life-resuscitating breath be given from the mouth of a muffler?
Can successful heart-surgery be performed by a doctor who really does not care for the patient’s life? (Would you want to take that kind of a chance?)
Can sewage satisfy the thirst of parched person? Yet this is what the body of believers is getting from these men & women of God who are practicing what the LORD calls “abominations” –- disgusting, foul things – in their private lives and then come to church on whatever day of the week to give a tainted message to vessels that already have cracks & weaknesses in them. Sewage is spilled into them & they have no idea because it’s all they know. They don’t know there is better. They don’t seek for what is better. They sit in the same pews (or couch), listening to the same C.R.A.P. (carnal & religiously ambiguous portions) week after week.
But are their lives changed?
What is the fruit of their lives? That’s what we look for. What does it mean by “fruit of their lives?” It means what kind of behaviors, attitudes, and actions are seen in them? Is there a change from foul-mouthed, angry, and abusive to true humility, graciousness, and giving? Is the person changing day after day into someone better? (a.k.a. Is the Word working mightily in them?) Or are they still the same person – and maybe even worse?
What is evident?
Not only in people, but in that group that makes up a corporate people: the church. What is evident in the church?
I wonder if the Vatican is watching this case and whether they intend to expose it or cover it up along with many other cases of sexual abuse among its clergy.
I know that Jesus Christ came to set the captives free because He spoke it, I have witnessed it & experienced it ! I know the power in the blood that was shed for the redemption of our sins ! I know the love of God and how it manifests !
But is the church manifesting God’s life-changing Word in their lives? We are to be changed from glory to glory. What church do you attend? Why do you attend it? Did you get a word from God that it’s where you are to commit yourself for His purposes? Or are you attending because it’s nearby; doesn’t spook you (because of your ignorance of the Word); feels friendly; family or friends go there; know the pastor; has “good” music; is popular; is on TV? (These are wrong reasons to attend.)
If you attend a church where you are snared by a perverse-spirited man such as this Bob Bester fellow, then it is about time you get on your face & cry out to God for true repentance in your life, for His Spirit of Truth to lead you, and for Him to set you free. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)
Archdiocese Investigation
Father Bester’s Past
How 11 News Approached this Story
How some of the parishioners feel
The following is an excerpt from the recording:
"Fred May: But uh, you're Dracula?
Father Bob Bester: Yes. When I was twenty I would have drunk you without you're saying anything.
Fred May: Drinking the semen, you would have just hold me down and drink the semen?
Father Bob Bester: Uh-huh.
Fred May: Ohhh...
Father Bob Bester: But I've developed more manners.
Fred May: You also know, you also know that the angel that sits beside me has great strength and great authority. You also know that.
Father Bob Bester: Yes.
Fred May: He has great strength.
Father Bob: And I combat them often.
Fred May: Yeah, I knew that. I knew that.
Father Bob: Are you surprised that I'm Dracula?"
Read the article. Click on the link. Bring a barf bag first!
The whole reason this came to light is because this guy, Fred May, admitted he was no saint and nobody would believe him…but he wondered how many people or children had this supposed “man of God” done this to:
[the reporter] asked him, "What made you contact us?"
May responded, "I said, man, nobody's gonna believe me. This guy is way up in the church and I ain't no saint. I said they're not going to believe me and so I called Channel 11 News."
Recalling the conversation from the tape, Fred wondered, "I'm thinking, how many kids has this dude done this to? Or how many other people has this dude done did this to?"
First the easy stuff:
- Dracula doesn’t attend church.
- Dracula doesn’t exist.
- Priests cannot be Dracula.
- Priests are not appointed to become impregnated by other men.
- Priests are not appointed to speak foul garbage such as what was recorded by this man.
- This priest has no developed manners.
- Priests are not appointed to do the work of the Devil.
- This priest admits to combatting more than one angel that Fred refers to as sitting beside him & having great strength & great authority.
- Priests are not to hold the truth in unrighteousness.
- Priests are to shepherd God's people with a Godly love.
- What is done in secret will not remain hidden.
Several things about this story disgust me…and confirm something I’ve always believed, which is: The ROOT of that religion (Catholicism) is ROTTEN and now we are seeing the FRUIT.
Oh? You think I’m being too hard? You think I’m perhaps opposed to the Catholic church? You think I’m being controversial and starting an argument and that it is very un-Christian-like?
I tell you a truth: If your heart is truly after God’s heart, then you’d know what disgusts Him and you would not question where my words come from. To know the heart of the Father is to know His heart on issues like this. To know the heart of the Father requires spending time with Him as you would with an earthly father: communing with Him (through prayer), reading His word, which He inspired man to write what “is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"(2 Timothy 3:16), thanking Him always, & loving Him with everything within you.
John 3:21 - But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
You are far from the truth if you question these things concerning my motives. The truth is: Too many people attend churches, accept Jesus Christ into their hearts, and then are fed poison. The truly sad thing about it? Not only are they fed the poison, but then they defend the poison-giver. The first thing that came to my mind as I wrote that sentence was a bunch of junkies being fed drugs by a drug-runner. Same difference except one is in the spiritual & one is in the natural. Getting high off a false doctrine. Getting a fix on Sunday. Going back to that teaching that’s comfortable, easy-going, puts you in a good mood, makes you happy.
You know it’s sad but true.
I detest false teaching. I detest perversion in the pulpits. I detest seeing shepherds lead the sheep astray. I detest seeing masses of people who are poor in spirit, seeking Jesus Christ, being snared into pits of destruction reserved for darkness & hell. I detest seeing the Truth manipulated to accommodate men’s pleasures.
Why? Because people want truth and they’re getting a lie ! They come to buy gold and they get fool’s gold ! They come to buy silver & get a cheap imitation ! They come to taste honey & get ethylene glycol instead, but don’t have a clue ! They think they’re worshipping the one true God, but they’re worshipping a man-made idolatrous image !
Can pure, clean water come from an infected, unclean vessel?
Can life-resuscitating breath be given from the mouth of a muffler?
Can successful heart-surgery be performed by a doctor who really does not care for the patient’s life? (Would you want to take that kind of a chance?)
Can sewage satisfy the thirst of parched person? Yet this is what the body of believers is getting from these men & women of God who are practicing what the LORD calls “abominations” –- disgusting, foul things – in their private lives and then come to church on whatever day of the week to give a tainted message to vessels that already have cracks & weaknesses in them. Sewage is spilled into them & they have no idea because it’s all they know. They don’t know there is better. They don’t seek for what is better. They sit in the same pews (or couch), listening to the same C.R.A.P. (carnal & religiously ambiguous portions) week after week.
What is the fruit of their lives? That’s what we look for. What does it mean by “fruit of their lives?” It means what kind of behaviors, attitudes, and actions are seen in them? Is there a change from foul-mouthed, angry, and abusive to true humility, graciousness, and giving? Is the person changing day after day into someone better? (a.k.a. Is the Word working mightily in them?) Or are they still the same person – and maybe even worse?
Not only in people, but in that group that makes up a corporate people: the church. What is evident in the church?
I wonder if the Vatican is watching this case and whether they intend to expose it or cover it up along with many other cases of sexual abuse among its clergy.
Matthew 7
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I know that Jesus Christ came to set the captives free because He spoke it, I have witnessed it & experienced it ! I know the power in the blood that was shed for the redemption of our sins ! I know the love of God and how it manifests !
But is the church manifesting God’s life-changing Word in their lives? We are to be changed from glory to glory. What church do you attend? Why do you attend it? Did you get a word from God that it’s where you are to commit yourself for His purposes? Or are you attending because it’s nearby; doesn’t spook you (because of your ignorance of the Word); feels friendly; family or friends go there; know the pastor; has “good” music; is popular; is on TV? (These are wrong reasons to attend.)
If you attend a church where you are snared by a perverse-spirited man such as this Bob Bester fellow, then it is about time you get on your face & cry out to God for true repentance in your life, for His Spirit of Truth to lead you, and for Him to set you free. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)
Ephesians 5:13 - But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Jeremiah 23:24 - Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.
Ephesians 5
1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. 3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; 4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. 6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them. 8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: 9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) 10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. 14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
Archdiocese Investigation
Father Bester’s Past
How 11 News Approached this Story
How some of the parishioners feel
Sunday, May 01, 2005
TV show: Revelations
The TV show Revelations is -- as expected -- incredibly inaccurate. It became obviously clear why it was so inaccurate after learning that it was created by the creator of the movie The Omen. The first episode started with a dad whose daughter was killed by a satanist. The dad is a scientist so he rationalizes everything in his mind and needs to experience proof to believe. The satanist gets locked up in jail. The scientist-dad doesn't want to talk about what happened & tries to hide in spite of his face being plastered all over the news. Meanwhile, some nun is running around the world documenting phenomena that she (& others) attribute to being evidence of Christ on earth. Basically, she runs where ever there are "signs & wonders" & documents them. In this episode, she documents some shadow on a mountainside showing a man on a cross looking at her (or anyone for that matter who is on the ground watching). But there isn't anything in the sky that could make that shadow appear. (More TV glam talebearing & storytelling.) Ain't gonna happen in the real world. So then, in another household, a rebellious little girl is struck by lightning on her way to school after her dad yells out "Just for that, you're going to sunday school!" (Great. Portray going to church as a form of punishment. How appealing.) After she's struck by lightning, she's brought to a hospital where she's in a coma & rants in Latin. That's when the catholic church is brought in. (cringe) So the nun runs to document this "sign & wonder" as well. (Everything is inaccurate at this point, but even more so - check out this very inaccurate portrayal of a supposed "Christ-like" manifestation of a "sign & wonder"...) The little girl in a coma not only chants in Latin, but her hand starts spazzing out in the air. So the nun gets a notion
to put a stylus in the little girl's hand & hold a pad of paper to it. Now the TV show begins to portray something of a bit of Edgar Cayce necromancy phenomena here. Lo & behold, whaddya know? The little comatose girl begins to draw pictures on the pad of paper! The drawings lead the nun to the scientist-dad who comes to see the comatose girl for himself only to decide that some tooth fillings in her brain are being triggered by rainstorms (electrical activity in the atmosphere) and he's probably more accurate than what the so-called "miracle" portrayal would have us, the audience, believe. Though I'm sure many were duped into believing that little display of necromancy was indeed something "Christ-like" in nature. At any rate, the scientist-dad is only convinced after the comatose girl's heart flatlines on the EKG -- & the entire room goes into panic mode as nurses fight nuns for the possession of the girl -- & he walks over to hold the little girl's hand (while the scene behind him goes into bullet-mode all Matrix-like...the background of nuns & nurses fighting speedily behind him... while his little world with the girl runs in slow-mo) & the hand grips his in a spaz-like motion thus spurring on her heart again on the EKG monitor "bleep...bleep". Now the scientist-dad is convinced that this little girl -- who necromantically drew a picture that only HIS dead little daughter drew for him (a donkey) -- somehow harbors the spirit or is in touch with the spirit of his dead daughter.
Pretty freaky stuff. Definitely not Biblical. Again it amazes me that catholicism is portrayed...since it's being portrayed A LOT in these end times. Yet the fruit we have
seen manifest from that religion has been homosexuality, molestation, bribery...and these by the very heads of the church: the priests. And prayers to Mary or any of the Saints (i.e. Peter, Paul, John, & whomever else) is false teaching. Jesus himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, except by me." (John 14:6)
In the original Greek this sentence would read: "Jesus (Jehovah is Salvation) said (taught, pointed out with words, advised, commanded, directed) unto him, I am (exist, am present, happen, to be) the way (road, course of conduct, manner of thinking, feeling, deciding), the truth (in reality, in fact, certainly, that candour of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit), and the life (vitality, the fullness of life which belongs to God, real & genuine life, devoted to God): no man (no
one, no thing) cometh (appears, is established, becomes known, arises, shows itself, finds place or influence) unto (with regard to, towards, with) the Father (God), but (except, if not) by (through, with, in, by means of, on account of, by reason of) me."
The only way we can have audience with God is by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ as being His only begotten Son who was crucified & rose on the third day & now sits at His right hand. For to please the Father is to love His Son of whom it is said that "whosoever believeth upon him shall not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
1 Timothy 2:5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
mediator here means 1) one who intervenes between two, either in order to make or restore peace and friendship, or form a compact, or for ratifying a covenant 2) a medium of communication, arbitrator
More and more we need to remember this one truth: Jesus Christ is the only way to God.
Unless Jesus Christ is preached, then do not listen or pay heed. Do not follow or go after another doctrine. Do not bow down or worship another "god".
As for this Revelations TV show. I fell asleep through the second episode after learning the nun was not backed by the Vatican because the Pope wouldn't want to lose his place as the mediator between men and Jesus if Jesus could be proven to be found on earth.
Jesus will never be FOUND on earth, folks. Only his likeness will be found in his people. Those who are Christ-like will be found. But Jesus will not be found on earth. I promise you this. So don't go looking for him if people say, "Here he is!" or "We've seen him there!" Because they're lying. Jesus gave parables (stories meant to reveal their sayings to those they were revealed to, but to hide these same sayings from those they were meant to be hid from) that explained WHEN he would return.
He will return at the end. Even when it seems like it should be the won't be the end.
The end is at the end.
to put a stylus in the little girl's hand & hold a pad of paper to it. Now the TV show begins to portray something of a bit of Edgar Cayce necromancy phenomena here. Lo & behold, whaddya know? The little comatose girl begins to draw pictures on the pad of paper! The drawings lead the nun to the scientist-dad who comes to see the comatose girl for himself only to decide that some tooth fillings in her brain are being triggered by rainstorms (electrical activity in the atmosphere) and he's probably more accurate than what the so-called "miracle" portrayal would have us, the audience, believe. Though I'm sure many were duped into believing that little display of necromancy was indeed something "Christ-like" in nature. At any rate, the scientist-dad is only convinced after the comatose girl's heart flatlines on the EKG -- & the entire room goes into panic mode as nurses fight nuns for the possession of the girl -- & he walks over to hold the little girl's hand (while the scene behind him goes into bullet-mode all Matrix-like...the background of nuns & nurses fighting speedily behind him... while his little world with the girl runs in slow-mo) & the hand grips his in a spaz-like motion thus spurring on her heart again on the EKG monitor "bleep...bleep". Now the scientist-dad is convinced that this little girl -- who necromantically drew a picture that only HIS dead little daughter drew for him (a donkey) -- somehow harbors the spirit or is in touch with the spirit of his dead daughter.
Pretty freaky stuff. Definitely not Biblical. Again it amazes me that catholicism is portrayed...since it's being portrayed A LOT in these end times. Yet the fruit we have
seen manifest from that religion has been homosexuality, molestation, bribery...and these by the very heads of the church: the priests. And prayers to Mary or any of the Saints (i.e. Peter, Paul, John, & whomever else) is false teaching. Jesus himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, except by me." (John 14:6)
In the original Greek this sentence would read: "Jesus (Jehovah is Salvation) said (taught, pointed out with words, advised, commanded, directed) unto him, I am (exist, am present, happen, to be) the way (road, course of conduct, manner of thinking, feeling, deciding), the truth (in reality, in fact, certainly, that candour of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit), and the life (vitality, the fullness of life which belongs to God, real & genuine life, devoted to God): no man (no
one, no thing) cometh (appears, is established, becomes known, arises, shows itself, finds place or influence) unto (with regard to, towards, with) the Father (God), but (except, if not) by (through, with, in, by means of, on account of, by reason of) me."
The only way we can have audience with God is by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ as being His only begotten Son who was crucified & rose on the third day & now sits at His right hand. For to please the Father is to love His Son of whom it is said that "whosoever believeth upon him shall not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
1 Timothy 2:5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
mediator here means 1) one who intervenes between two, either in order to make or restore peace and friendship, or form a compact, or for ratifying a covenant 2) a medium of communication, arbitrator
More and more we need to remember this one truth: Jesus Christ is the only way to God.
Unless Jesus Christ is preached, then do not listen or pay heed. Do not follow or go after another doctrine. Do not bow down or worship another "god".
As for this Revelations TV show. I fell asleep through the second episode after learning the nun was not backed by the Vatican because the Pope wouldn't want to lose his place as the mediator between men and Jesus if Jesus could be proven to be found on earth.
Jesus will never be FOUND on earth, folks. Only his likeness will be found in his people. Those who are Christ-like will be found. But Jesus will not be found on earth. I promise you this. So don't go looking for him if people say, "Here he is!" or "We've seen him there!" Because they're lying. Jesus gave parables (stories meant to reveal their sayings to those they were revealed to, but to hide these same sayings from those they were meant to be hid from) that explained WHEN he would return.
He will return at the end. Even when it seems like it should be the won't be the end.
The end is at the end.
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