Thursday, September 21, 2006

In the name of Jesus - the Name above all names

This was originally written on Sunday, September 17, 2006 at approximately 11:00 p.m.

Wake up, America. We are in trouble.

When one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty & justice for all decides to tell its personnel that they are no longer to pray in the Name of the only name that saves; the only Name that lights every man that enters the world; the only Name that gives Life; the only Name that paid the price for yours, theirs, and my sin; the only Name that can reveal the Father; the only Name that can heal the sick; the only Name that can cast out demons; the only Name that can cause a leper to be made whole; the only Name that can give sight to the blind;

the Name above all names,

Jesus Christ, the son of God,

then we, as a nation, are no longer under God, we are definitely divisible, we have lost liberty & there is no such thing as justice anymore.

Men are not given power on earth unless it is first given to them from heaven.

I don't care if a man thinks otherwise; that's only his heart deceiving him -- which allows him to continue in that line of deceitful thinking: "I earned this." "I got mySELF here." "I worked hard to get to where I'm at." "I have worked all my life to get to this point." "I am more qualified than anyone else in the world to be in this position."

I don't care who you are -- you're where you're at because of two things: God's longsuffering & your heart's choices.

I am the Lord: that is my name: & my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

Ever see a man slowly wither away because cancer is eating him up from the inside? Spreading through his body, through his bloodstream, into other parts of his body? A healthy, strong, robust, jovial man with pink skin turned into a shriveled, frail, pallid skeleton? Where once there was laughter & joking & conversation, it was replaced with silent fears & painful looks & ...waiting for the inevitable? The whole time they are still alive, it's just a waiting game. Waiting, but hoping. Hoping for what? For restoration. How? I don't care how it comes, just bring it. But what if that person doesn't want it? Or they don't believe it can happen? Or it's too late? And you're the only one left believing in miracles... all the way to the end?

That is the state of the United States of America. It is sick from the head to the foot. By "sick", I mean ill.

Ever know someone who broke a bone or injured their self in a game, but kept on playing the game anyway? They acted all tough like they could "tough it out" & so instead of stopping the game & getting help right away, they continued to push through the injury. Then when they finally submitted to the help, they discovered that they had worsened the injury. When the injury first occurred, they should have went for help right then & stopped the injury from getting any worse. But by playing through it & "toughing it out", they instead caused more damage which resulted in extensive reparation & longer recuperation time.

That is the state of the United States of America. This nation is in serious need of getting help. And now, it has gone over the edge & become anti-Christ.

America? We are in trouble.

Did you think 9/11 was bad? Did you think Hurricane Katrina was bad? Those were just warnings. It is time to REPENT. Forget camping out in front of the nation's capitol and going on public tv or public anything and petitioning or going on hunger-strikes. (Of course, the media & mockers will call fasting a "hunger strike".)

If you are reading this & you are following Jesus Christ & he leads you to, then FAST & PRAY. Don't do it publicly. Do it in private. Repent for our nation.

If you cannot fast for whatever reason, then WATCH & PRAY. Why? Because this nation has been opened to destruction as a result of the ignorance of the armed services of the United States - more particularly, the U.S. Navy - by denying its very own clergyman -- who is in that position to serve the LORD, not man, not the U.S. NAVY, but the LORD -- to pray in THE VERY NAME THAT SAVES - the very name of Jesus Christ who is the only mediator between GOD & man.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, & is safe.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou are my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, & he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him.

...made himself of no reputation, & took upon him the form of a servant, & was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, & became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, & given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, & things in earth, & things under the earth; & that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of GOD the Father.

And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, & set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, & power, & might, & dominion, & every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under his feet, & gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Fast & pray - for God's mercy, for God's grace, for repentance on behalf of this nation's leadership. Fast & pray that God's judgment will not be hard. Fast & pray to tear down the strongholds, the powers of darkness, the principalities of darkness that are warring to cover this nation with darkness. We have seen the anti-Christ spirit manifest publicly in the U.S. Navy. If it has gotten its foul foot into the door of our government's defenses, then it will
  • spread through our nation &
  • open the door for other princes of darkness to come into our nation, under our nose & in front of our very blinded eyes.
Already I read a transcript where Scott McClellan dodged a question by a reporter at a press conference regarding this issue. Mr. McClellan's answer was basically: "I am not aware of that report" & then he just totally ignored reporter, Les, to move onto the next question. The President is not aware of that report? Newspapers from around the world were reporting on it, keeping careful watch on it to see what this nation would do in response - and the very President of this nation, or his cabinet, is not aware of that report?! His cabinet is so in-the-know that they can tell him where & when to strike in the world for the U.S.'s advantage, but they can't even tell him that his best strategy for defense is to become friends with God? He should have advisors surrounding him who tell him that to be friends with GOD is to be strong in power, to have the best advantage, and to have incredible might. When GOD is on your side, who can be against you?

It is GOD who puts men into power. If the people do not like that the leader worships GOD & has a heart after GOD, then let them! The most they can do is kill the man of GOD. But at least the man of GOD died faithful to GOD. Those who killed him will be in a worse position than they were before they laid hands on him, heaping GOD's wrath upon themselves.

But now our United States Navy have dissed GOD's son: "Don't pray in the name of Jesus when you are in uniform." *tsk *tsk *tsk - shame on the U.S. Navy. And shame on the Commander-In-Chief for letting this door become wide open for the spiritual darkness that has been eager to invade & destroy this country. It is just as important to ensure the defenses in the spirit realm as it is to ensure the defenses of this physical realm. A true follower of Christ would have discerned that.

Who came up with that man-made, religious piece of corrupted & perverse garbage, "Don't pray in the name of Jesus when you are in uniform"?
What the heck kind of system would put a man in a position to mediate for the people to GOD -- in whatever capacity, at whatever location, for whatever cause -- and then tell him, "Don't pray in the name of Jesus when you are in uniform"?

The "religious tolerance" ideal in this nation is hypocritical. As a nation, we can protect mosques from sabotage. We can have a whole state pretty much dedicated to a religion with their own laws. We can shelter religious leaders from years in prison upon proving that they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt for molesting children (unless, of course -- to go along with this hypocritical theme -- that religious leader is a Christian leader who hooks up with a prostitute). But we cannot permit Christians to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. All of these observations within this nation tell me what season this nation is in. The same way I observe the termination dust on the mountains to determine when the snow will fall so I can put the snow tires on before then. Christians always profess the name of Jesus Christ because of the power associated with His name. When the Roman soldiers came with Judas Iscariot to escort him to begin his crucifixion, there was such power in just His name that when they referred to his name, "Jesus", as being the one they were coming out to get... all he breathed out for an answer was "I am" and the force of his words caused them to fall backwards. That is just a small demonstration of the power of his name.


The U.S. Navy just dissed I Am. We're in trouble now, folks.

For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, & we will walk in the name of the Lord our GOD for ever & ever.

The U.S. Navy is not GOD. The President of the United States is not GOD. The Supreme Court & all the judicial branches in this nation & those who preside in the court systems - are not GOD.

I would rather obey GOD than man. Our U.S. Navy has just weakened itself & this nation with this arrogant action. By exalting themselves above the name of the LORD in ordering someone not to pray in Jesus' name, they have just become the weakest link in our defense system to this country. As a nation, we will see the truth of this saying when our enemies penetrate the U.S. Navy's setup & get past them to strike at us. But even more - they will get past all our defenses. This is why we need to watch & pray. Pride goeth before a fall. Watch & pray to plead that we do not fall hard, that God would save many, that judgment would not be so hard, that God would give grace & mercy & remember His people who call Him by name & spare many.

Watch & pray.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Navy's action has a direct reflection upon the President of the United States & his governing body. So - the head is sick and the whole body is affected.

I know thy works, & where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, & hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, & to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the nicolaitanes, which thing I hate. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, & will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, & will give him a white stone, & in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

America - wake up. We are in trouble.

...thy name is as ointment poured forth...

We could really use a good dosage of that ointment poured on us. Help us Lord GOD Almighty, we are a sinful nation & we have sinned against You. Forgive our sins, heal our wounds, Lord. Do not let your wrath be so strong upon us, for who can bear it? Remember mercy in judgment, Lord GOD. Have mercy upon us. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Superstitious minds...

...cannot fully embrace the Word of GOD as truth, nothing but the truth, the end; That the Word of GOD is final in matters; That the Word of GOD is stable, real, and will not fail. Everything needed to embrace Christ is explained in the Word of God.

It seems people are more willing to accept a superstition into their lives rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are more willing to believe that money is going to come into their hands because their palms are itching. Or that someone is talking about them because their ear is ringing. Or that a message is coming their way because a magpie is sitting on a wall. Or that if you squash a bug, you could be squashing a relative who was brought back to this world in that form as punishment. (Perhaps part of that superstitious punishment is that they are to be squashed? Eh? Ever think of that? Hmmm.)

The gospel of Jesus Christ is a sure thing. It is founded. It is real. It is not created as a fable or as a way of calming the fears of those who do not want to face the torment of bad events or tormentors on earth (this physical plane), followed by eternal damnation in hell (the 1st death) & later cast into the lake of fire to be snuffed out of existence forever (the 2nd death). (Although, that is the consequence of not believing, let's be honest.)

By the way, isn't it just like the Lord GOD to have two deaths to compliment two births? The first birth is when we are born of our mother from her womb into this world. The second birth is when we are born of the Spirit into the kingdom of God. Nicodemus couldn't even fathom being born a second time. But we are born-again when we accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God. It is so simple that it baffles the educated & intellectual. (Two is the number of "witness".)

Have you stepped on any cracks? Did your mom break her back as you did? If you answered yes, then I tell you truthfully that the two events were not related. And I add: "That is very misfortunate for your mom, I wish her restored and in good health."

This part could just be read by those educated & intellectual types:
I searched the bible for the word "superstition" and found it in Acts 25:19. It reads,
But had certain questions against him of their own superstition, and of one Jesus, which was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive.

I discovered that the original Greek word used for superstition in this passage is deisidaimonia (dice-ee-dahee-mon-ee'-ah) meaning "religion: - superstition" & is from the word deisidaimonesteros (dice-ee-dahee-mon-es'-ter-os) meaning "more religious than others: - too superstitious." The word deisidaimonesteros is a compound of the words deilos (di-los') from deos (dread) which means "timid (implying faithless), fearful" and the word daimō n (dah'ee-mown) from daiō (to distribute fortunes) which means "a demon or super natural spirit (of a bad nature): - devil."

When we are timid, we cannot embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will not be able to experience Hebrews 13:6,
"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, & I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
Nor will we be able to experience Hebrews 4:16,
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, & find grace to help in time of need."
I don't know about you, but I need those things: grace, mercy, & help in time of need.
Yet, rather than accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, it seems people are willing to accept other belief systems that soon become their [false] religion. (I wonder if those who claim to be agnostic or atheist hold superstitions. If so, then they cannot be truly agnostic or atheist. Hmmm.)

And what does the bible say about religion? Well, there are five verses that mention "religion": Acts 26:5, Galatians 1:13-14, James 1:26-27.
In Acts & in James, the root word is thrēskeia (thrace-ki'-ah) & means "ceremonial observance". In Galatians, the root word is Ioudaismos (ee-oo-dah-is-mos') & means “judaism”. Essentially, we learn the most about "the practice" of religion from the book of James. We are told to bridle our tongue (curb our speech) so we do not deceive our own heart & to visit the fatherless & widows in their affliction, & to keep our self unspotted (unblemished, unsoiled, unstained, undefiled - physically & morally) from the world.

So that's biblical "religion". Well then, what is this thing we have with Jesus Christ? Isn't that a religion? No. It is not.

We are not to "ceremoniously" observe him. Do you know what it means to ceremoniously observe something? It means you perform a ritual or two. It's formal. There may be even pomp in the situation. Yes, we are to observe Christ - we are to make note of the spirit behind which he did and said things (the Spirit of the Lord) & refer to the Word & the Holy Spirit to further teach us so we too can be led of the Spirit (have ears to hear) to do the same things (obey) with a clear understanding.
Does the Holy Spirit need a ceremony everytime we are to learn from Him? Does the Word of God need a ceremony everytime it is to be spoken to teach, to correct, to edify, to reprove in righteousness? When did informal gatherings to share what Christ has done in our lives & to hear the Word become a ritualistic practice?

Please - I challenge you, dear reader: Show me in the Word where Jesus Christ ever sent out a message to all that He would be holding assemblies where He would teach GOD's word on certain days of the week at certain times when he walked on this earth.

The joy of calling others in Christ to come assemble together & worship the Lord together compels them to come from a willing heart. Those who do not come, making excuses, will be revealed. Those who are willing will overcome obstacles to make it because they joy to be in His presence with those who love & worship Him in spirit & in truth. We should be ready to assemble anytime, in season & out of season. Not when we're ready, but when GOD says "now is the time".
Do you think the Israelites were ready to cross the desert to get to their promised land after being freed from bondage in Egypt? Do you think Noah was ready to have it rain buckets on the world & be the only family remaining in existence? Do you think Abraham was ready to let go of Ishmael?
When GOD speaks, now is the time. And we don't go based on our feelings; we don't worship Him because we "feel like it". We obey Him, we worship Him because we LOVE Him, we ADORE Him, we REVERE Him, we cannot live without Him, & we know we are nothing without Him. Does that mean we are forced? No - we are compelled. Especially when, as we are changed from glory to glory, we look back & see the hunk of junk we once were & the miserable, sorry circumstances we lived in because we thought we could "do it on our own" without God. When we look back at our struggle without Him & remember His great love that removed us from that struggle - we cannot help but shout praises to Him with a thankful heart. We cannot help but dance before Him in such joy. We cannot help but sing & make up songs to Him & about Him to share the joy in our hearts.

If you try to worship Jesus Christ because of religion, then you're failing to grasp the relationship.

Mankind creates ways of "fitting in" somehow by putting labels on groups & forming memberships. The Lord GOD never commanded us to do this. He told us that we would know who were His by the spirit. He told us to test the spirit & to judge the fruit. Those are the methods that He uses. Instead, mankind forms groups of people and name them under an umbrella membership. My experience with memberships is that I have to pay to get in and at anytime I can choose to get out. But my experience with relationships is that I have to do some work to keep in touch & those relationships can prove to be invaluable networking connections later down the road.

Ever hear that phrase: It's not what you know, but WHO you know?

Mankind always tries to fit GOD into our lives rather than take care to fit into His abundant life.

And if mankind cannot determine whether GOD is real or not or in what form He takes, then mankind creates superstitious beliefs which become seeds of false religion.

Yes, there is a fear of the Lord to observe. But it is not the sort of fear that accompanies superstition (which is usually that of retribution). It is a reverent fear - an awed respect of His incredible awesomeness. It is a deep & profound awe of His holiness, of His character, of His great fame. To stand in the realization that this is the One who set the sun & the moon in the heavens to give light to the earth; who set His bow (rainbow) in the cloud as a token of a covenant between Him & the earth; who set the dominion of the ordinances of heaven in the earth. (Read Job chapter 38!!!! GOD IS AWESOME!!)

Jesus Christ is not a superstition. In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, & the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; & without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; & the life was the light of men. And the light shines in darkness; & the darkness comprehends it not. ...That was the true Light, which lights every man that comes into the world. He was in the world, & the world was made by him, & the world knew him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, & dwelt among us, (& we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace & truth. ...For the law was given by Moses, but grace & truth came by Jesus Christ. No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.

If you want to embrace a superstition because "it's better to be safe than sorry"; then truthfully you are better off putting away the superstition and putting on Christ. However, do not come to Christ because of fears of retribution. Come to Christ because He is the giver of abundant life. Come to Christ because He knows your every care, your every need, & He desires to give you good things & to prosper you. Come to Christ because He forgives the worst of sinners & He wants to give love to those who have been without love; He wants to heal your heart from the deep wounds, the bitter hurts, the unforgiving actions that were performed on you by others whom you trusted (or not). Repent & let Him into your life. You too will stand in reverent awe of God's mercy & grace. His love causes us to look inward at our own heart rather than at others. And as we look at our own heart, we see how much cleaning was done & still needs to be done. We cannot then look at others and judge them, for He has forgiven us of much sin. His love compels us then to forgive & love others in that light. For none of us are able to cast the first stone.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Where in the world is Eritrea?

Go to and type in "Eritrea". You will be taken to the continent of Africa & discover that Eritrea is on the Red Sea coast surrounded by Sudan, Ethiopia, & Djibouti. It's capital is Asmara (Asmera). It has been a country in struggle throughout it's entire existance. With such deep scars & bitter wounds, it is no wonder the country lashes out at others.


September 8 (Compass Direct News) – Newly compiled statistics smuggled out of Eritrea indicate that at least 1,918 Eritrean citizens are imprisoned and being subjected to torture and forced labor because of their religious beliefs.

According to a detailed list obtained by Compass last month, 95 percent of these known religious prisoners of conscience are Christians.

A total of 35 pastors, priests and church elders are confirmed under arrest in Asmara’s Wongel Mermera investigation center. An additional 1,758 Christians of both evangelical Protestant and Orthodox confessions are jailed in 14 other cities and towns.

According to reports compiled by Compass, 163 of these Christian prisoners have been put under arrest since the beginning of 2006. As many as a fourth of all those jailed are believed to have been incarcerated for two years or more.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

A clear picture of life

The other day, I was fussing with my indoor antenna in an attempt to get a clear picture on my TV. I have since signed up for DTV. But while I was trying to get a picture, the Holy Spirit took the opportunity to teach me something about my heart & my eyes. He showed me that in order for me to see through my eyes clearly, my heart has to be in direct alignment with God.

There were some scriptures He brought to my rememberance. One was that from the heart comes forth the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23) Another was that the heart of man is prepared by God. (Proverbs 16:1) Another was that man judges by the outward appearance rather than by the spirit. (1 Samuel 16:7, Judges 3:10, Isaiah 11:3, Micah 3:8)

He showed me that if my heart is in direct alignment with God, then I would know God's heart in matters. I would see through His eyes. I would have an accurate & clear picture of the situation. Whereas, if I relied on my own understanding of the situations before me, then I would be prone to error which usually leads to suspicion, misunderstanding, assumption, and misperception. Only God can tell us what is really going on. He knows the heart of men - we don't even know our own hearts. He has to show us what is inside our hearts. Our heart is the seat of our emotions (thoughts & feelings) - it is in the realm of our soul. Our soul must come into submission to God's will. Only then can we truly be surrendered & obey Him whole-heartedly.

Only when God is finished with a man

This comment is in reference to this story:

You can chase a man to the ends of the earth in order to capture him or perform some sort of punishable action on him; but unless God is in your chase, then it will be to no avail. Only when God is finished with a man will he end that man's career. Until then, that man serves a purpose to God's work.

Would you like biblical support to this comment? Read the story of King Saul. Read the story of Elijah. Read the story of Jesus. The end of a man, the end of his authority, the end of his reign or rule, the end of his life is only determined by One. Until He determines that the man has served His purpose on earth, that man shall remain.