Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Relationship with Christ

You can say, "I have Jesus in my heart" or "Jesus knows me, I love Him" and still be in sin... still be unforgiven... still be in error and not in a relationship with Christ.

Listen up: If you claim to have a love for God, then you had better be a CHANGED PERSON. You cannot come to God -- you cannot touch the hem of Jesus' robe -- you cannot come to mercy and grace of Christ -- and walk away unchanged.

To love God is to obey Him. If you love Jesus, then you would do His works. His works were to go about the Father's business. The business of the Father entails walking in the Spirit of God, being led by the spirit of God -- these are the sons of God. Jesus Christ was the firstborn among many brethren. He was the forerunner. He made a way where there seemed to be no way. He is our example. He is the way the truth and the life. If we walk after Him, then others will hate us, because they first hated Him. He who is not with Jesus is against Jesus. You are either in or out. There is no straddling the fence-line. There is no in-between. There is no shade of gray. It's either yes or no. Yes, you are following Christ. No, you are not. You cannot go to church just on Sunday and maybe even Wednesdays or Tuesdays or whatever days in between the Sundays... and then go back to work during the week or to school or to whatever other things you do outside of church... and be forgetful of the word you heard in church, the word you read in the Bible... you cannot be forgetful of the things of your heart and keeping them before the Lord for examination and removal of sins... for cleansing and refining... for transformation to know the things that pertain to Christ and to the kingdom of God. You cannot walk throughout the week forgetting what He expects from you -- what He requires of you: to be obedient, to be willing, to do mercy, to walk justly, and to walk humbly with Him.

If you find yourself in a position where yes, you want more of Him and you find that you tend to stumble often and fall... even to the point where you sometimes feel like you should give up because you are not worthy enough or perhaps you just don't believe you are worthy...


the ONLY reason you are worthy is because God decided you are worthy. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to show you the love of God... to be the sacrifice once and for all for your sins because you cannot pay the price for your sins. No way. Jesus paid it for you. God decided you are worthy and that's what makes you worthy. So remember that the next time you say out, "I'm not worthy." You're absolutely right -- but that does not eliminate you from making it... from being not only called, but chosen. If you have begun to run in this race -- meaning, if you decided to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he died for your sins and rose again on the third day to sit at the right hand of the Father where he now mediates for us against the accuser of the brethren (Satan)... then you are now in need of exercising everything God has given you to become a son of God. You are in a race now. You are no longer sitting on the sidelines watching the other Christians and wondering about them and all that. You are now one of them and you are responsible for your run. Not for others' runs. Your own run will affect other runners around you. Your life is to be a testimony -- a witness -- to the faithfulness and love of God. First seek His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt 16:33). His kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Get the Word of God in you -- study to show yourself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, proving that which acceptable unto the Lord. The Word will transform your natural mind so that you will begin to have a spiritual mind. For the natural mind is at enmity with God. It cannot understand the things of God. Let the word wash your mind and transform it. The word is like a hammer and like a fire. It will crush everything you have stabilized your life upon... everything you thought was a secure deal... everything you believed. It will crush it and then God can, in your brokenness, begin to rebuild you. Let Him. It is so amazing. Let His work not be stopped nor hinder it. The word is a fire, it will burn away the things of wood, hay, and stubble and what will be left is gold, silver, and precious stones. Let Him build in you these foundations (gold, silver, precious stones) so that you may stand when the fire comes to the world. If you let the fire of God continue in you today to burn away things that are not of Him, then you will have been tried and tempered to stand in the evil time. Where others may panick and flee and worry... you can stand knowing with confidence that God is who He is and you are in Him.

I tell you, if you let God work in you now to exercise your spirit, to be led by the spirit -- to obey Him now and develop a relationship now... then when crap hits the fan for the world around you... you will be one who has already gone through the trials and tests --- that crap hitting the fan will be an ultimate final. If you've been to school, then you know that there are many pop quizzes and tests that you take during the quarter or semester, but at the very end there is a final. Everything you've ever learned is now put to the test in a larger test. The goal is to succeed -- to pass. If you've been paying attention throughout the quarter or semester -- if you've been taking notes -- if you've been looking up the things that you did not understand so that you would know the answer for when the final came... then you would be prepared for that final test. You will pass. Better than others who have not studied.

You have to develop a relationship. Faith will permit you to do so. You may not see Him or hear Him with your natural senses, but with your spirit, and by His word you know that He exists. Walk with Him and talk with Him. Bring everything to Him and be quick to repent when He shows you ugly things in your character -- in your heart. Ask Him to change you. Ask Him to break you now so that you would be broken -- so He doesn't have to break you later with everything else He will break to bend and bow to Him. He is Lord of all. Let Him be so now so that you will be ready to freely declare at the final.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them & then never talking to them again.
...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them & then scowl at them when you see them.
...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them & then turn the other direction when you see them coming.
...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them & then when in conversation with them about things, you constantly bring up the past and their mistakes.
...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them & then always looking for dirt on them.
...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them & yet still harbor animosity toward them.
...IS NOT: feeling forced to have to say you forgive someone when you truly do not.
...IS NOT: pretending to be someone's friend or to pretend to love them (i.e. family/spouse/friend).
...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them & then don't allow them room to change to show you they are not the same person.
...IS NOT: telling someone you forgive them, give them all your contact information, and then when they contact you -- completely avoid them, never returning a call or never answering the messages/phone.

...IS NOT filled with fear, doubt, rejection, animosity, and a closed-mind/heart.

Forgiveness is something that is freely given without expecting anything in return for it. It is freely given knowing that we, who forgive, are always in need of forgiveness because we too are not perfect. Though our imperfections from individual to individual may differ in quality and quantity, they exist. We know that although we may be forgiven, we are prone to falling or lapsing or stumbling through the refinement process.

People have become very self-preserving. There are so many hurts to fall prey to. The notion that any of us are an exception to the rule is a huge fallacy. We cannot protect ourselves or rise above becoming prey to hurt, hostility, bitterness, or offense. It is only Christ who can give us the strength, the patience, the love, the joy, the peace, the humility (meekness), the kindness, and the control (temperance) necessary to get through a situation that would NORMALLY cause hurt, frustration, hostility, bitterness, and/or offense. Christ alone. When we live and move and have our being in Christ, it is possible to walk through a fire unscathed and come out the other end full of love and mercy. Christ heals our hurts. By Jesus' stripes we are made whole. His blood, shed at the cross, for our sins has given us so much -- and among them is the forgiveness for our sins.

When we find ourselves in a position where we can become unforgiving, it is because someone has sinned against us. Someone has wronged us. This is what sin is: Wronging. We do wrong and it injures someone either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. When we sin against God we have done the same: We wronged Him. We took Him for granted and just expected Him to be big enough to "deal with it". We hurt other people because we are too self-absorbed. In our selfishness, we fail to see outside that "self" sphere to see how others are affected by our speech, our behavior, our actions, our conversations. We think that "this is who I am" and that people should just accept it or reject it... and if they reject it, we protect ourselves with the attitude of "whatever!" Then we scorn and ridicule those who reject us...which of course only causes them to disdain the scorn and ridicule: adding hurt upon hurt. It's truly a vicious cycle.

Jesus told his disciple that the number of times he was to forgive was seventy times seven. If we were to sit and count everytime we forgive someone, we could not keep track. There's no way, if you walk in the love of God, that you are going to keep track of the number of times you forgive others. Love keeps no record of wrongs. So basically, the disciple is being told, "It doesn't matter how many times you have to forgives someone -- JUST FORGIVE."

Forgiveness allows a relationship to re-develop. Not in the fashion it had formerly developed in -- but in a new fashion. The slate is clean. There is a brokenness (if there is genuine sorrow on the part of the one asking for forgiveness). That brokenness brings a cleansing. When forgiveness is given, it unlocks the prison door from both parties: the one asking forgiveness and the forgiver.

Holding unforgiveness keeps a person in an unseen self-made prison. The inability to forgive is physically bad for your health; spiritually bad for your relationships (with God & with others); and emotionally bad for your relationships, outlook on life, and attitude towards people. Unforgiveness breeds bitterness. Bitterness feeds hostility. It is worked all into a poison. That poison is spit out each time the tongue wags with venomous speech about life: places, people, and things. And when love is mentioned, that poison percolates with unrestrained passion making sure that all who are within earshot know just how much love is scorned in the heart of the poisoned person.

Love requires much forgiveness. If you are going to be a loving person in this world, then you had better expect to be hurt often and alot. Why? Because of the imperfections from individual to individual which vary in quality and quantity.

Forgiving is a healthy way of living. It brings so much freedom to the forgiver. It allows the things that are intended (or not intended) to be hurts to roll off the forgiver's back like water on a duck. "I forgive you." It means to not take things personally, knowing that it is only Christ who is good and perfect. Not people. It keeps prison doors open. It keeps relationships open. (Unless God, and ONLY God, closes those doors.) It keeps the bridges unburned so that the day when it becomes necessary to cross back over and say, "Hey, I was wrong. Can you forgive me?" Then it will be possible.

Forgiveness points others to Christ. It is only through Christ that we are able to forgive.

Thank you Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Christianity: A Growing Process

When a person makes the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their savior, they usually are not instantly perfect overnight. At least not that I have seen. I believe in days to come, the Lord will do a QUICK work. But as of yet, I have not seen instant-overnight-perfection. If someone chooses to become a Christian at 28 years old then please remember... they had 28 years to develop some bad attitudes, bad habits, bad morals, bad judgments. Twenty-eight years is a LONG time. Sooo... the Lord has some work to do. The first step is that the person gave their heart to Him, confessed Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior, and repented for being a sinner. Now they have asked Him to change their heart & make them brand new. He will put a new spirit & a new heart in them. But people tend to remember how they used to respond to something and that's what they wind up doing...then they have to repent because it was the wrong way to respond. Reading the Word of God causes the person to have a new way of thinking: HIS way of thinking. Reading the Word washes the person's mind & heart (soul) & then they have to put into practice the things they have learned so they can develop these new habits to wipe out the old ones.

So cut a Christian some slack. It's tough as it is without Christ. Who is anyone to judge someone else? We are all in need of grace & mercy & forgiveness. Not a one of us is perfect to God's standards. We're all a disgrace to Him. So when we see other people's faults and bad habits, we should not be quick to criticize them or point out how bad they are. Remember, "You were once there too." I don't care if you didn't do what THEY do... the fact is: You've done something just as bad, if not worse.

Praise God that a person even chooses to accept Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior in their life. Nowadays, it's amazing, it's a miracle, to see someone even make that choice. It's so much easier to get caught up into the hype of this world's systems. There are so many things "to tap into" nowadays to help "escape" from the reality of the a lot of the darkness that's in our face on the news & on TV & around us.

There are however some Christians who just KNOW BETTER. They have known the Word of God for a long time, they confess to be walking with Him & to hear His voice. These folks know better & have no excuse. They have had the Holy Spirit working through them in gifts of the Spirit. If these type of folks are willfully sinning along & expecting others to "do as they say not as they do", then uh-uh I'm sorry but that's a no-no. They know better & the Lord will take care of judging them. I just stay away from them because they're fake --- like fake fruit: looks real enough to eat, but then you touch it & find out it's all plastic & fake. What a bummer.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ghost in a Shell in the making

The newborn "Blue Brain" surprised the designers with its willfulness from the very first day. It had hardly been fed electrical impulses before strange patterns began to appear on the screen with the lightning-like flashes produced by cells that scientists recognize from actual thought processes. Groups of neurons started becoming attuned to one another until they were firing in rhythm. "It happened entirely on its own," says Markram. "Spontaneously."

Read the rest here: Growing a Brain in Switzerland

Friday, May 25, 2007

U.S. military continues to keep separate from Jesus Christ

A Washington-based advocacy group, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, sent letters yesterday to Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne and acting Secretary of the Army Pete Geren contending that the military's extensive cooperation in the event would be unconstitutional.

"The Air Force and the Army have crossed the line here: A reasonable observer, upon examining the promotional materials, the Robins Air Force Base newspaper, and the current program schedule, could not help but believe that the Army and Air Force fully support and endorse the Christian substance of the celebration," the letters said.

In response, the Air Force issued a statement saying it is "not a sponsor" of the event and was "not aware until recently of the religious connotations surrounding Task Force Patriot's participation." After seeing the schedule, "Air Force officials began taking steps to avoid the appearance of any endorsement or preferential treatment of any religious faith or worship service," the statement said.

Read the rest here: Army and Air Force Deny Formal Links To Christian Event

Al-Qaeda wants a Nuclear Bomb

LUXEMBOURG - Al-Qaeda is searching for ways to create nuclear weapons for mass destruction, a former UN weapons inspection chief said during a press conference at an international convention ways to prevent a nuclear catastrophe being held in Luxembourg.

Read the rest here: 'Al-Qaeda trying to go nuclear'

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

a word for today

Jeremiah 6

(Jer 6:1 KJV) O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem: for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction.

(Jer 6:2 KJV) I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate [woman].

(Jer 6:3 KJV) The shepherds with their flocks shall come unto her; they shall pitch [their] tents against her round about; they shall feed every one in his place.

(Jer 6:4 KJV) Prepare ye war against her; arise, and let us go up at noon. Woe unto us! for the day goeth away, for the shadows of the evening are stretched out.

(Jer 6:5 KJV) Arise, and let us go by night, and let us destroy her palaces.

(Jer 6:6 KJV) For thus hath the LORD of hosts said, Hew ye down trees, and cast a mount against Jerusalem: this [is] the city to be visited; she [is] wholly oppression in the midst of her.

(Jer 6:7 KJV) As a fountain casteth out her waters, so she casteth out her wickedness: violence and spoil is heard in her; before me continually [is] grief and wounds.

(Jer 6:8 KJV) Be thou instructed, O Jerusalem, lest my soul depart from thee; lest I make thee desolate, a land not inhabited.

(Jer 6:9 KJV) Thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall throughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine: turn back thine hand as a grapegatherer into the baskets.

(Jer 6:10 KJV) To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? behold, their ear [is] uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.

(Jer 6:11 KJV) Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with [him that is] full of days.

(Jer 6:12 KJV) And their houses shall be turned unto others, [with their] fields and wives together: for I will stretch out my hand upon the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD.

(Jer 6:13 KJV) For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one [is] given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.

(Jer 6:14 KJV) They have healed also the hurt [of the daughter] of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when [there is] no peace.

(Jer 6:15 KJV) Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time [that] I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.

(Jer 6:16 KJV) Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where [is] the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk [therein].

(Jer 6:17 KJV) Also I set watchmen over you, [saying], Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.

(Jer 6:18 KJV) Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what [is] among them.

(Jer 6:19 KJV) Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, [even] the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it.

(Jer 6:20 KJV) To what purpose cometh there to me incense from Sheba, and the sweet cane from a far country? your burnt offerings [are] not acceptable, nor your sacrifices sweet unto me.

(Jer 6:21 KJV) Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will lay stumblingblocks before this people, and the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them; the neighbour and his friend shall perish.

(Jer 6:22 KJV) Thus saith the LORD, Behold, a people cometh from the north country, and a great nation shall be raised from the sides of the earth.

(Jer 6:23 KJV) They shall lay hold on bow and spear; they [are] cruel, and have no mercy; their voice roareth like the sea; and they ride upon horses, set in array as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion.

(Jer 6:24 KJV) We have heard the fame thereof: our hands wax feeble: anguish hath taken hold of us, [and] pain, as of a woman in travail.

(Jer 6:25 KJV) Go not forth into the field, nor walk by the way; for the sword of the enemy [and] fear [is] on every side.

(Jer 6:26 KJV) O daughter of my people, gird [thee] with sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes: make thee mourning, [as for] an only son, most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.

(Jer 6:27 KJV) I have set thee [for] a tower [and] a fortress among my people, that thou mayest know and try their way.

(Jer 6:28 KJV) They [are] all grievous revolters, walking with slanders: [they are] brass and iron; they [are] all corrupters.

(Jer 6:29 KJV) The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away.

(Jer 6:30 KJV) Reprobate silver shall [men] call them, because the LORD hath rejected them.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Celebrating Jesus' Resurrection

Every year the world follows the same traditional holiday of celebrating "Easter". Some places have adopted the weird tradition of incorporating a big furry rabbit that runs around & deposits birds' eggs that have been colorfully died or fashioned from some form of synthetic material in various obscure places for young children (& adults alike) to find. Then the children (& adults alike) are given a basket filled with various chocolates & jelly filled candies in the shapes of bunnies & birds eggs. What is it about the bunnies & bird eggs? I don't really know. Perhaps it has something to do with spring time, but to be honest: I didn't take time to look into the background of it. It just doesn't interest me because it has nothing to do with Jesus' resurrection.

My definition of this event --
The once a year world celebration of all things spring-like... & happens to incorporate a rememberance that Jesus died for our sins... mostly focusing on his pain & torture.

As for celebrating the Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection: That is a daily event.

As disciples of the Lord, we understand that the resurrection is not a one-time-a-year event for us. This is a daily event. Everyday we put to death the old man & the old ways. Everyday we live in the new life, the resurrected life that empowers us to become sons of God. We understand this event as the most powerful conquering event that has freed us from the power of sin & death. We are not interested in focusing on the gory details of the crucifixion. We already know what it was about. We have seen it once & that was enough. We're not bound to watching it every year -- reminding ourselves of this gruesome event & the frailty of Jesus' human condition. We already remember that he was like us -- he became flesh -- he was tempted at all points as we are... & that is why he is able to succor us. We are aware that all those who witnessed the death of Jesus felt an immense loss at the time it was happening. Because they could not understand why such a thing had to happen. However, we are not focused on how his mother, Mary, in particular, must have felt to watch her son die. We already know that Mary knew Jesus did not belong to her, but to God. Just as all of our children, siblings, parents, family members... no matter who they are... do not belong to us, but to God. We commit them into God's hands. Each of us has our own decision to follow after Jesus. We cannot prevent, interfere, or meddle with the work of God. What God has purposed, what He has spoken, will come to pass. Every jot, every tittle. It's not about Mary. It's about JESUS:
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes upon him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

That's what it's about.

(Php 3:10) That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
(Php 3:11) If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
(Php 3:12) Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

(1Pe 1:3) Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
(1Pe 1:4) To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,
(1Pe 1:5) Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

(1Pe 3:21) The like figure whereunto [even] baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
(1Pe 3:22) Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

(Rev 20:5) But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This [is] the first resurrection.
(Rev 20:6) Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Resurrection of Jesus Christ = NO BONES, NO BODY

There are no bones left from Jesus as the Discovery channel tonight would try to convince the audience. I sat here & watched as the guys who supposedly found the bones of Jesus & Mary Magdalene -- in the same tomb, mind you -- give the bones to a lab scientist to examine the DNA for a match. Upon finding no match, he lab scientist goes on to conclude that the bones are not those of a brother & sister or a mother & daughter or a son & father (& other familial matches) so then he ends his conclusion with (paraphrase): "Since they are buried in a familial tomb, then I have to conclude that they are the bones of a husband & wife."

The problem with this "expert" opinion is that, if one reads the bible -- they would discover that it was not past the Israelites to bury other people, whom they considered a friend or someone they esteemed or deemed as family, in their own tombs or their family tombs. (DUH.) One example was the young prophet in 1 Kings 13 who was torn up by a lion. He was told via prophecy that he would not be buried with his fathers & then was torn up by the lion as he left the city. The older prophet went out & gathered his body & had him buried in his own tomb after saying "Alas, my brother!" He then told his sons to lay his bones next to the young prophet's bones. (Now judging what the DaVinci Code garbage has stirred up, I can tell you the garbage that leading scientists, experts, & theologians would conclude upon discovering these two prophets' bones -- both male -- side by side in the same grave.)

Leading scientists, experts & supposedly intelligent men & women would do everything they can to disprove the truth about Jesus Christ, Son of God. Anything associated with the Holy Spirit-inspired Word of truth, they would do their best (which is a failure) to prove that the Lord's Christ did not live according to the accounts (a.k.a. the gospels a.k.a. Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) as written in the Holy-Spirit inspired Word of truth (a.k.a. the Bible).

If you love Raiders of the Lost Ark & Jewel of the Nile & Tomb Raider, then hey -- I can understand that the desire to discover some piece of historic treasure is a thrill to you folks. However, I think you should be warned, that if even Satan could find nothing on him? You can't either. You cannot disprove that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, rose from the grave. You also cannot prove that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had any kind of intimate relationship beyond the bounds of friendship with any other human being on this earth when He walked in it. JESUS CHRIST KNEW NO SIN. He was not married. Something like a MARRIAGE or a SON or DAUGHTER being BORN TO JESUS would have made MAJOR HEADLINES, FRONT PAGE NEWS. No doubt about it! Regardless of the persecution at the time, the Sanhedrin, the Pharisees, the Saducees, the religious leaders, the Roman leaders, they would ALL have made sure that Jesus Christ's life situations were exposed.


All this is doing -- these Da Vinci Code garbages & now this supposed discovery -- is trying to discredit Christ's words. So Christians, let this be yet another wake up call to you. There are many anti-christs already in the world as James warned. The direction the world seems to be going -- and more particularly the United States of America -- it is apparent that we are heading toward persecution. It is a cycle proven in history:

  1. Question & discredit the power of God.
  2. Replace God (a.k.a. idolatry -- worship of other gods, tolerance of other religions).
  3. Thus bringing God's anger & judgment upon the land & its people.
  4. Acceptance &/or increase of sinful ways of living (a.k.a. homosexuality & other sexual deviations & perversions, abuse of government approved drugs, soothesayers & fortune-tellers, drunkenness, violence).
  5. Persecution of the temple of God & followers of the Most High God.
We're at the end of #4 in the U.S. of A.

Concerning Jesus Christ's body & his tomb, The truth is:
Joseph of Arimathaea, a counselor, begged for the body of Jesus from Pontius Pilate after Jesus physically died. He & Nicodemus took Jesus' body, wrapped it in linen with the mixture of myrrh & aloes that Nicodemus brought, & laid Jesus' body in Joseph's own sepulchre that was hewn in stone, that never had a body laid in it before (brand new tomb). The enemies of Jesus took careful measures to prevent the disciples from stealing the body of Jesus Christ so they could not say "He is risen" after three days. They sealed the tomb (which already had a large stone rolled in front of it) & set a guard of soldiers to watch the tomb. These soldiers did not sleep for fear of death. The disciples proved their cowardice when they all scattered...abandoning Jesus when he was crucified. Their actions proved they would not challenge the guards to remove Jesus Christ's body...for fear of death.

When the disciples & women returned to the tomb after the sabbath, they discovered that there was ONLY LINEN in the tomb. Otherwise it was empty.

Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, who sits at the right hand of power, the right hand of God... He rose from the dead. He conquered death. The grave could not hold him. How is this possible?
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. ~ Romans 8:11

There is a brief mention in the Old Testament (2 Kings 13) that there were some men burying a man. When they spied a band of men, they cast the dead man into the sepulchre of Elisha. Upon touching the bones of Elisha, the dead man was revived & stood up on his feet. How is this possible?

The Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead was in Elisha's bones!

After Jesus Christ died & rose again:
  • He was touchable.
  • He got past shut doors to stand in the midst of the disciples.
  • He ate broiled fish & a piece of a honeycomb.
  • He was seen for 40 days before being taken up.
  • At least 120 witnesses saw him & obeyed him to not depart Jerusalem &, "wait for the promise of the father which ye have heard of me."

In Jesus Christ's tomb -- originally Joseph of Arimathaea's tomb -- there are NO BONES & NO BODY belonging to Jesus Christ.

That's the truth & I'm sticking to it.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Chronicles of the Kings

I have been engrossed in some books that I cannot put down. Lynn Austin is the author of these books. The first book begins with the childhood of Hezekiah during the reign of his father, Ahaz, King & 12th ruler of Judah. Hezekiah's accounts in the Bible can be found in 2 Kings 18:1 - 20:21; 2 Chronicles 29:1 - 32:33; Isaiah 36:1 - 39:8. Ms. Austin does a wonderful job of weaving the characters' lives into a story while retaining the factual events of Hezekiah's reign, such as opening the doors of the house of the Lord & repairing them; instructing the Levites to carry out their duties as appointed by God; destroying the brazen serpent Moses made; destroying all idolatry from the land of Judah; and his conflict with the Assyrian ruler. There are more facts, but the storytelling draws the reader into that time period. The life of Jerusha, as she winds up a prisoner of the Assyrians to one named Iddina, draws the reader into the grotesque and hellish lifestyle of this bloodthirsty army. Having never done any historical research on the Assyrians, I can say that what I received about them, from reading Song of Redemption
, was a picture of incredible violence like nothing I have ever read about (or imagined) before.

These books have so far brought forth laughter, anger, and tears as I have followed the lives of the characters as they were introduced and/or ended. Highly recommended reading!!

Get it used at Amazon.com!
The Chronicles of the Kings:
Book 1 - Gods & Kings
Book 2 - Song of Redemption
Book 3 - The Strength of His Hands
Book 4 - Faith of My Fathers
Book 5 - Among the Gods

Monday, January 29, 2007

2007: Return of the blog

Alright - so. Where have I been?
Busy since October last year. I should update this page sometime.

Ok things have been happening, but I am most interested & concerned with what's happening in the kingdom of heaven. Christ is bringing forth His people into a straitened place. There is no more time for messing around. If you are a Christian, and you have sensed that "there is more" or that the Lord is requiring more of you... then be quick to obey.

The time has passed where we could say we are Christian and:
  • simply attend once a week to a local church.
  • call ourselves "active" because we happen to participate in some function at the church.
  • actually open & read the Bible while we are attending that once a week at church.
  • pray only when we are in need of something.

No more of this nonsense. No more of these "send your love gift of $20 dollars and you can have this beautiful shawl brought from the Promised Land with an embroidered hem with the Hebrew words 'the joy of the Lord is my strength'."


He doesn't need your love gift of $20 dollars. God does not want your money or your gifts or your offerings to these institutions of religion anymore.


Do you know that it does not even matter whether you have brought a gift to the Lord if you have an ought with your brother? He will not receive it. You have something contrary in your heart. Get rid of it. Bring it to the Lord & reveal it to Him in prayer -- it is humbling to have to confess our sins. God loves a humble & contrite heart. You cannot love God and hate your brother - or you are a liar.

Do you know that it does not even matter how often you pray to God if you have pride in your heart? God hates pride. He resists the proud. You have something contrary in your heart. Get rid of it. A humble heart will He receive gladly. The way up is down. To be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, one must be the least of all -- that means serving others & esteeming others better than ourselves.

Do you know that it does not even matter if you have manifested any of the gifts of the spirit if you do not have love in your heart? Don't fool yourself. Love from God is not fleshly, carnal love. It is selfless love. God's love is not based on emotions, feelings, or circumstances. If He can forgive you -- how much more should you forgive others? The Lord's prayer states, "and forgive us our sins (trespasses) as we forgive those who sin (trespass) against others." God will not forgive you if you do not forgive others. Freely you have received, freely give.

These are basic things that we should know by now - but the church world is not prepared. The majority of the church is wrapped up in programs and fundraisers and "work". The only work we need to concern ourselves is working out our salvation with fear & trembling & be willing and obedient to God.

There are those who call themselves Christians and yet they have no clue that they are required to be baptized in water for the remission of sins upon believing in Christ Jesus as the Son of God and that He died for their sins. Identifying themselves with Him as believers.

There are many things that are simple & basic that "Christians" are not being taught. Now we are in a day & age where the milk is not sufficient -- we need meat. But those who still need milk must continue to be fed. Get off the milk, Christians. Read your Bible every day -- not once a week (when sitting in church). Pray always for all things, giving thanks for everything the Lord has blessed you with and has kept you from (that includes the things you don't have which He has probably, in His wisdom, determined would be a snare for you). Sing songs in your heart to the Lord & rejoice in Him. Let Him search your heart to show you what is contrary to Him & when He gives you space to repent for those things, JUMP ON IT! Repent while you can! For there will come a day where there may never be space for repentance again (consider Esau). Be quick to repent. Be quick to obey. Be quick to move when He says move.

If you have things like fear -- read the Word & gather all the information about fear so you know how to combat it. (My people perish for a lack of knowledge.) Perfect love casts out all fear. He has not give you a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. The spirit gives boldness.

Well there's a problem in the fundamentals of things concerning Christ -- YOU MUST BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit won't just come to you when you least expect it -- YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR HIM. The Holy Spirit, the spirit of the Lord, the Holy Ghost -- they are all the same, just different names for Him. He has a purpose. He is the SEAL OF THE PROMISE; He is the earnest of our inheritance; He is a token of our redemption.

He is like earnest money. We are written in a will -- to inherit something (the kingdom of heaven); but we have not inherited it yet. We have the Spirit of adoption, but we have a promise of the inheritance. We are still servants & friends. Well -you dispute this? Tell me, did the heavens open up and God's voice thunder in front of witnesses that you are His "beloved Son in whom [He] is well pleased"?

I didn't think so.

Friends are those to whom Christ reveals information concerning what is coming; what the Father is doing (see John 15:13-15). (Please -- it is important to read your Bible so that you know without a doubt that what I am saying is true. If you abide in Christ, then His words shall abide in you -- and you shall ask what you will of the Father and it shall be done. Let his word abide in you. Abide in Christ. We need this for every moment of everyday.) Yet we can go one step further and become sons. Sons have learned to do whatever Jesus has commanded them to do & are led by the Spirit of God (see Romans 8:14).

If you are still pressing in the Lord, do not give up. This walk is not meant to be cake. But what a reward there will be in the end.

Is it better to suffer for the temporal things of this earth --- only to die & be buried in the ground (1st death) ... and later thrown into a lake of fire after judgment (2nd death) ?

Or is it better to suffer for the eternal things of heaven --- only to die (fall asleep) for the Word (he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword) ... and later resurrected to life by the Resurrection & Life (Christ) to find your place in the kingdom of God (where there are no more sorrows, and there is healing for the nations)? Because you were faithful all the way to the end?

I prefer the latter. Things on this earth break. They need to be repaired or recycled or refreshed or renewed or re- something!! I don't know about you - but I tire of such things. I don't like broken things: electronics, appliances, relationships. I hate misunderstandings. I hate confusion and every evil work. I hate separations and dissolutions and pain and sorrow. I hate seeing people die for the dumbest of reasons.

But that is what the wages of sin has given us: Every form of Death.

Come to Jesus. He is the Resurrection & Life. He has already conquered death & the grave. Now - He is calling a corporate man, a body of believers to "come out from her" & to follow in His steps. If that is you -- stop messing around.

Now is the time.