Friday, May 22, 2009

The Day and the Hour

This is my riddle:

I know the day and the hour

and yet

I don't know the day and the hour.

The Holy Spirit gave me these words last week. They're given in the same manner that Samson gave a riddle concerning the source of his strength. This riddle is concerning the last days.

What does it mean?

That's the reason for the riddle.

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

Matthew 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Matthew 24:50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for [him], and in an hour that he is not aware of,

Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, [that] at evening time it shall be light.

Mark 13:32 But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. This means that the sons of God (friends of Yeshua) cannot know the day and the hour from the Son... remember he no longer calls them "servant" but "friend" because all things that the Father makes known to him, he makes known to them. But remember that Yeshua said this PRIOR to his ascension. Now he sits at the right hand of the Father. His fulfillment of the roles of Son of man, suffering Servant and the Lamb of God and the Spring Feasts is completed after his ascension. His next fulfilment is that of the roles of Judge, conquering King and Lion of Judah and the Fall Feasts when he returns to "confirm the covenant with many for one week" (Daniel 9:27; & see 1 Corinthians 1:8). In Revelation 3:3, you see him state to the messenger in the church in Sardis that the church will not know what hour he will come upon them if they do not watch. So either he knows the day and the hour or he doesn't. Since Yahweh set the stars in motion and hung the moon and the sun in the sky, I believe that He will share with His Son "the plan"... and that by the Spirit of El... those of us who are "led by the spirit, they are the sons of God" will know also "the plan". And so far, "the plan" still stands... and a handful of us know what to watch for. "A handful" is a small percentage of people - and only Almighty El knows that number. Blessed is he who seeks His kingdom and His righteousness and even has this thing added unto him: the revelation of the day and the hour. Now he/she can truly watch for that day and not have it come as a thief.

Luke 12:46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for [him], and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.

Acts 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the LORD so cometh as a thief in the night.

2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Revelation 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. This is a warning to his servants. The book of Revelation is not written for the average pew-warmer/church-goer. It is written to the servants of God to enable them to prepare for the trouble to come and to know what to expect and what is required of them in the last days. They have a job to do and will need to glean their instructions from the Spirit of El.

I wrote these words down about three weeks ago. Today is June 3, 2009 which is Sivan 9, 6009 F.C. (From Creation). It is three days after the Feast of Shavuot 6009. I've been immersed in studying the Scriptures and have been dependent upon the Spirit of El to be my teacher. For the last eight months, Almighty El has been doing a work in me that I was unaware of until two weekends ago. He has shown me how he has directed my steps these eight months. A separation took place and I was at peace with it, but I wasn't understanding of it which brought a bit of turmoil into my soul. I sought not to dwell on such things but to continue to move forward. But on the occassions I desired to share with someone things that He had been teaching me, my mind stopped to remember ones I spent time with doing these things in the past and this brought heartbreak from missing them. After spending time communing with Him about it -- asking Him to help me understand what had happened, to heal hearts involved, knowing full well from the prayers that have come forth from my heart that it held love, mercy, and forgiveness in the situation -- He showed me what took place.

I've grown leaps & bounds. He is truly perfecting (maturing) me. The things I know today, I've never known before and the Scriptures have become like a living person. I've acquainted myself with them like one who cannot get enough of them. And each time I open the pages of my KJV or the E-Sword on my computer... it's like the Scriptures come alive and begin putting themselves together on their own. The rate at which the huge puzzle is piecing itself together is phenomenal. The Spirit of El is truly alive and moving in them... and it confirms all the more to me that Yeshua is indeed the Living Torah - something I never was taught in the Western Gentile Nation's church system: Church building or Church denomination or Bible Study or Home church or Fellowship. Nobody has had the understanding and the wisdom to teach me the things that the Spirit of El has been spreading before me like a banquet. I am ever-so-thankful to Him for such revelation... and MORE for the Love He is teaching to me through His demonstrations and mercy. It is a Love that has not been demonstrated and yet I longed to know it so that I, too, could manifest it. His Love is not properly taught nor shown. But in the life of Yeshua, it is made obvious. The day is coming where He will appoint judges, but the throne of judgment is established in mercy. And until one can demonstrate mercy, they are not a judge - not until that appointment is made. We must look to Yeshua to see how to live. He IS the Torah made flesh which dwelt among men. The thing that is difficult for the Western Gentile Nation believers is that they cannot find the middle ground of the Yahweh of the Old Covenant and the Yeshua of the New Covenant. HEAR O ISRAEL, THE YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM IS ONE. And this truth remains: He is constant. There is no variableness nor shadow of turning in Him. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And if anyone says any different or tries to represent Him differently - they are creating a takanot... a law unto themselves.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Britain's "name and shame" game is lame

from this article:

In February Britain triggered a formal protest from the Netherlands after refusing entry to far-right Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, maker of a controversial film linking Islam to terrorist attacks.
At the risk of becoming extreme themselves, Britain's Home Secretary Jacqui Smith says, "The government opposes extremism in all its forms and I am determined to stop those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country."
"If you can't live by the rules that we live by ... we should exclude you from this country and, what's more, now we will make public those people that we have excluded," she told the GMTV broadcaster.

Hmmm. Somehow that statement sounds more like an excuse than a good, sound reason, for their actions.

It appears that their intention is meant for good, but it is extreme all in its own. In fact, it has it's own foul stench associated with it. It's somewhat laughable even, because here they've set up public cameras on practically every street corner & building rooftop for the so-called purpose of monitoring terrorist activities, but yet they're banning people like Michael Savage and Geert Wilders from entering Britain. What exactly are these guys gonna do? Verbally blow up a city square with their words? Paint a picture of explosive proportions with a speech for every mind's eye within blasting distance to reel from it's force?? Be for real. These men hardly have an army of religious (or political) zealots behind them waiting for their slightest signal to cue them to walk out into the middle of a highly populated area in order to take out as many people with them as possible.

This whole "name and shame" thing is just another hypocritical action taken on by a government to portend to be do-gooders. It reeks of arrogance & hypocrisy.

The fact that Britain refused entry for a maker of a film that showed how those who follow the Islam faith are related to terrorist attacks indicates that Britain has fallen into the very blemished pot by which they have judged the blemished kettle.

There's a book that's been out for years. It is the result of a compilation of years and years worth of news clippings, published articles, agreements/pacts/"peace accords", speeches - some of which were recorded live unawares, and it is a remarkable historic record of everything the terrorist leaders have done and plan to continue doing. Memory loss does not overrule facts. Ignorance does not overrule facts. What happened -- and continues to happen -- exists side-by-side with memory loss. So for the person -- or generation -- who has memory loss... it could be bliss or it could be their downfall. Fortunately we have records that preserve what has happened which confirm what is currently continuing to happen today.

If a person/generation/people/government/country chooses to be ignorant, then it's to their own downfall. There was a saying that seems to be ignored: "To be well informed is to be well armed." But today, more and more, we see people who just don't wanna know. It's like they cannot handle the information anymore because then they might have to make a decision that may not be popular. They may have to choose something that the rest of their uninformed peers may not like... and therefore they will "go against the grain" as another saying goes.

The truth is lacking today. We are ruled by our own destructive devices personified in those who govern us -- all over the world. We have been "given over" to what is in the hearts of the people. The majority truly does rule in this case... because it is a minority who does not desire the things that the majority seem to want.

The minority want the truth. No matter how ugly it is. The minority would rather make well-informed, thoughtful, and careful decisions based on facts, historic occurrences of similar events, and the current manifestations of things put before them. They don't want to be pressured into making last minute, rash decisions, forced upon them by lack of time, lack of resources, lack of patience from others, lack of votes, lack of support, or lack of wisdom. A sound answer under pressure is: "If you want my answer right now, then the answer is 'No.' If you can wait, then that answer might change." (This works well when dealing with teenagers who sometimes get very impatient with their parents.) We train others how they will treat us. If we respond in a certain way to the temper tantrums, bawling out, and crying of those who want things their way, then we train them that such behavior will give them that response... and that is how they will continue to deal with people in all their relationships, hoping to elicit the same response each time. They may stop for awhile & pretend to be changed -- but when the same behaviors come forth from them time after time, year after year, generation after generation, ruler after ruler -- then either the one with the behavioral problems is a problem... or the one who allows the behaviors to continue is a problem.

When someone writes a book or creates a film which documents historic facts and presents manifestations of elements that continue to exist from before we were born -- and when that documented information is not to our liking ...because maybe it does not fit within our limited perception -- then how can we make a sound decision to suddenly shun the author or filmmaker? Sure, the truth sucks at times... it hurts at times... it may even make one angry, but it is what it is. It only sucks when we've been taught lies all our lives through traditions of men and vain conversations of the world. It only sucks when those lies come from those in authority who have the power to alter truth. It only hurts when we are not willing to embrace the truth. We only get angry because everything we thought we knew was wrong. It's offensive. It may even make us angry because it exposes our weaknesses. But our "feelings" have nothing to do with the truth. When our feelings have come and gone -- the truth will still stand.

And if that's how one wishes to live -- being ignorant of truth -- then ... one day... they're going to have a very rude awakening. And all their "coping" mechanisms will fail. If one can't deal with the truth today? What makes them think they'll be able to deal with it tomorrow? When it comes full-force "in your face"... unavoidable... on full display... demanding a response?

We already saw how the ignorant reacted when the twin towers came down in New York. And yet... that was just a small incident.