Sunday, February 27, 2005

Comments at Say Anything

My comments to this article:

I'm just wondering then, how so much HIV is spreading so rapidly among straight populations?

Promiscuous sex with multiple sex partners. BBC News
What are "multiple sex partners"? Having more than one partner. Usually in the form of:
  • Infidelity - Having sex with someone other than your lover.
  • Adultery - Having sex with someone other than your spouse.
  • Bisexual sex - Having sex with both men and women (includes "three-somes" and orgies.
  • Transgendered sex - Having sex with those of the same sex who are undergoing transition into the opposite sex.
In all these cases, the sexual partner (at the time of sex) could be carrying HIV and did not disclose that information to the "straight person" (per se) or did not know they had HIV because they did not get tested in spite of their sexually active lifestyle.

AIDS IN BRAZILIn fact, I was told by an AIDS physician that the fastest growing risk group in the country is now married straight women. Upon my asking why this is so, she told me that single women are insisting on "safe sex" (they buy condoms if they can afford them) but married women aren't, although their husbands often engaged in high-risk behaviors out-side the marriage, including bisexuality.

Most sexually active folks do not get tested because of fear, for one. The anxiety of waiting for the test results is too much to think about. There are other reasons as explained by Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners that can apply to all people.
A client may decide not to test because of: false information; insufficient/ inadequate pre-test counseling; lack of social support; fear of a breach of confidentiality; fear of testing procedure; fear of stigma; cultural values; a history of past or present abuse.
Page 31 of this pamphlet, Students for International Change: HIV Education and Prevention Curriculum, suggests role-playing to address the fear of getting tested.

In fact, in Africa and Asia, the majority of infectants, of which there are millions, are heterosexual and women. See below for the African study.
According to HIV Insite: Center for HIV information, injecting drug users count for 35-80% of those infected in Xinjiang, China & 20% in Guangdong, China. Three of China's provinces are named where "HIV gained a foothold in the early 1990s among rural people who were selling blood plasma to supplement their meager farm incomes."

UNAIDS, WHO: ASIA"A rare survey of men who have sex with men in Beijing, conducted in 2001-2002, found that approximately 3% of the men were HIV-infected (almost all of whom had been unaware of their serostatus) (Choi et al.,2003)." SCARY, they didn't know.

The reason for HIV infection is not listed. Only that "There is also evidence of more widespread sexual activity among Japanese youth (reflected in the increase in the percentage of young people who have had sex by the time they turn 19 years of age)."

Papua New Guinea:
"Very low levels of condom use and wide sexual networking (amid low awareness and knowledge of HIV/AIDS) means the country could be facing a severe epidemic." [UNAIDS, Fact Sheet: Asia and the Pacific, December 2002]
Also mentioned are the sex workers and their clients: "High levels of other sexually transmitted infections indicate behavioral patterns that would also facilitate HIV transmission beyond sex workers and their clients." So in the "straight populations" I can see how the clients could give their wives and other female lovers HIV after receiving it from a sex worker.

The reason it is so common in third world countries is in large part due to the fact that there is so little availability of condoms, with little education on safe sex. Negative. Drug injection, sex workers, homosexual sex, and infidelity play the largest part according to UNAIDS, WHO. Don't sell us the lie of "little availability of condoms." I'll buy the "little education" part. Little education on HIV/AIDS and how its transmitted, that is. Nobody's really having safe sex anywhere on this planet - whether it is a third world country or not.

UNAIDS, WHO: ASIA "In Tamil Nadu, HIV prevalence of 50% has been found among sex workers, while in each of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Nagaland, HIV prevalence has crossed the 1% mark among pregnant women. In Manipur, meanwhile, an epidemic driven by injecting drug use has been in full swing for more than a decade and has acquired a firm presence in the wider population (UNAIDS/WHO, 2003). HIV prevalence measured at antenatal clinics in the Manipur cities of Imphal and Churachand has risen from below 1% to 5%, with many of the women testing positive appearing to be the sex partners of male drug injectors. Several factors look set to sustain Manipur's epidemic, including the large proportion (about 20%) of female sex workers who inject drugs and the young ages of many injectors (40% of male injectors surveyed in 2002 were under 25 years of age) (MAP, 2004)."

The reason it is common in Africa is in large part due to infidelity on the male's part, forced sex when he is questioned, and the inability of the woman to practice safe sex because of male coercion as this study shows:
Exploring the Association Between HIV and Violence: Young People's Experiences with Infidelity, Violence and Forced Sex in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (research article)This article examines the role violence plays in the sexual relationships of young people in Sub-Saharan Africa and its association with HIV. Men who were violent toward female partners also frequently described forced sex and sexual infidelity in these partnerships. Men with multiple concurrent sexual partners reported becoming violent when their female partners questioned their fidelity, and reported forcing regular partners to have sex when these partners resisted their sexual advances, thus the association between HIV and violence may be partially explained by these behaviors.
More about Africa and HIV infectants:
Research conducted in Soweto, South Africa, provided evidence supporting this association by finding that male partners who are abusive are more likely than those who are not to be HIV-positive. [Dunkle K et al., Gender-based violence, relationship power, and risk of HIV infection in women attending antenatal clinics in South Africa. Lancet, 2004, 363(9419):1415-1421.]
HIV-infected women reported significantly more sexual violence in their relationships, a larger mean number of physically violent partners in their lifetime and a larger number of physically violent episodes with their current partner.
A study conducted in Kigali, Rwanda, revealed that women with a history of sexual coercion were more likely than those without such a history to be HIV-positive. The study also found that violent male partners had elevated odds of being HIV-positive. [van der Straten A et al., Sexual coercion, physical violence, and HIV infection among women in steady relationships in Kigali, Rwanda, AIDS and Behavior, 1998, 2(1):61-73]
...Men in Tanzania, as in many other areas of the world, usually determine when, with whom and under what circumstances they have sex with their partners. [Creighton C and Omari C, eds., Gender, Family and Household in Tanzania, Brookfield, VT, USA: Avebury, 1995.] Most young women cannot freely choose safer sexual practices or refuse unsafe sexual activity, but instead must negotiate within unequal social relationships. [Holland J et al., The Male in the Head: Young People, Heterosexuality and Power, London: Tufnell Press, 1998.]
Qualitative research carried out with adolescent males in Latin America, Asia, North America and Sub-Saharan Africa suggests that attitudes that condone viewing women as sexual objects, seeing sex as performance-oriented and justifying sexual coercion as acceptable begin in adolescence. [Shephard B, Masculinity and the male role in sexual health, Planned Parenthood Challenges, 1996, 2(2):11-14]
Gay men mentality:
August 26, 1999: UNPROTECTED ANAL SEX INCREASING IN SAN FRANCISCO A study of more than 500 young gay men in San Francisco revealed that the
prevalence of unprotected anal sex rose by a third to a half in just four
years. Furthermore, about half of the men having unprotected anal sex had
partners of unknown or different HIV status. The results are published in the
current issue of the journal AIDS.
The researchers followed 510 gay men, aged 18 to 29, who were identified for
the San Francisco Young Men's Health Study (SFYMHS) in 1992. The participants
were tested for HIV and filled out a self-administered questionnaire on
numerous topics related to HIV and sexual behaviors during each study year
between 1993 and 1997.
Men who didn't know the HIV status of their partners or had a dissimilar status
were considered to be at high risk of transmission. This group made up nearly
one fourth of the total sample during the last year of the study.
with men who had the same HIV status as their partners or who practiced safe
sex, the men in the high-risk group were significantly more likely to be HIV
positive, have greater numbers of sexual partners, and have more frequent sex,

said Ekstrand. In addition, only 32 percent reported having disclosed their
HIV status to all of their anal sex partners.

The reasons for having unprotected sex differed among the different
transmission risk groups. Men who shared the same HIV status as their partners
were significantly more likely to say they had unprotected sex because they
were in love. The high-risk group reported they had unprotected sex because
condoms were unavailable, they were turned on, or they had been drinking or
using other drugs. This group was also more likely to use nitrate inhalants,
or "poppers," to enhance their sexual experience.

"Sexual expression is highly valued in the gay community," said Ekstrand.
"Gay men might think it's not that bad to become infected with HIV these days,
but in spite of treatment advances, it's still a big deal,"
said Ekstrand.
"Many of these young men have a lot to lose by getting infected."

New combination therapy treatments don't work for everyone, and for some men,
they result in terrible side effects, said Ekstrand. The emergence and spread
of resistant strains of HIV is also a danger.

...the researchers worry that
an increase in risky sexual behavior will result in higher rates of HIV
infection. Already, several US cities have reported an increase in rectal
gonorrhea, including San Francisco.
"We want to go back to the community with our findings before HIV rates follow
suit," said Ekstrand. "Unless we can find ways to help gay men devise
practical and long-term HIV prevention strategies, ongoing HIV infection will
remain a permanent problem among gay male populations."

NOTE: A copy of the AIDS journal article in PDF format can be found at under the latest issue icon.

More Gay men mentality:
BBC News: Promiscuity 'fuelling HIV spread'
The UK charity Terrence Higgins Trust expressed doubts about the ABC [abstinence, being faithful, and using condoms] strategy.

"I take the idea of promoting monogamy with a large pinch of salt," said Will Nutland, its head of gay men's health promotion.

"What has worked in Uganda doesn't necessarily translate to London.

"In some societies would people really be able to implement this, where women don't necessarily have control over their sexual encounters."
Such lack of faith. Always excuses.

Apparently there is truth in this: Gay men are a higher risk catagory.

Unprotected sex is high risk sex:
Aidsmap|Unprotected Sex says even having anal sex with oil-based lubricated condoms is risky. It is also risky to use condoms that have spermicides with nonoxynol-9. Are these the first things people check in regards to their condoms (if they even choose to use one) when they are turned on, "in the heat of the moment", inflamed with passion, or drug-induced?

This same link also says that even if you're HIV-positive, taking anti-HIV drugs and have an undetectable viral load in your blood (that sounds pretty new meaning to "are you loaded?"), then you may still have enough virus in your semen or vaginal fluids to pass on HIV. I especially like this statement:
You should also be aware that in some countries including certain states of the USA you are legally required to disclose your HIV status to sexual partners. In the UK people have been recently been sent to prison after infecting their sexual partners with HIV.
That practice should be put into place in the U.S.of A. It will cause people to take extra precautions, to think twice, to consider the cost of jail versus disclosing the information to a partner/getting checked out just in case.

As for this statement within that Aidsmap link...
There is growing evidence that it is possible to be super-infected with a new strain or strains of HIV, which may either be more aggressive than or resistant to anti-HIV drugs. This could lead to the failure of treatments that might otherwise have been effective. This applies to both men and women.
...this has already proven true here.
"This case is a wake-up call. First, it's a wake-up call to men who have sex with men, particularly those who may use crystal methamphetamine," [New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas] Frieden said in a statement.
"Certainly CDC is alarmed by the apparent intersection between two dangerous conditions -- multidrug resistance and apparent rapid progression," said Jessica Frickey, a spokeswoman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention.
"The patient is a male in his mid-40s who reported multiple male sex partners and unprotected anal intercourse, often while using crystal methamphetamine (crystal meth). He was first diagnosed with HIV in December 2004 and appears to have been recently infected," the New York Health Department said in a statement.

The AIDS virus mutates easily and patients often develop strains that resist the drugs they are taking. Such strains of multidrug-resistant virus can also be passed to newly infected patients, and several groups have reported on HIV patients who have drug-resistant infections before they take any of the cocktails of medications used to control the virus.

Dr. Susan Little and colleagues at the University of California San Diego found in 2002 that drug-resistant HIV was affecting as many as one in five newly infected people in the United States.
New York officials say more than 88,000 New Yorkers are infected with the AIDS virus, which has no cure, and estimates 20,000 more are infected and do not know it.
Great. Which is more reason to put into practice what the UK is doing: jail those who infect others. Why? How about: Why not? Bring those -- who are accountable for the choices they make with their lives and lifestyles -- into accountability for the results of their choices as well. If you choose to practice sexual immorality in any form and contract some horrible virus or STD infection AND continue to have sex with others knowing the risk of your behavior, but not disclosing it to your partners, then you should pay for the crime. To rob another's life, intentionally or unintentionally, requires a form of payment. "Sorry" doesn't bring back the life of a person. And the argument that "neither does putting the person in jail" comes from a debased mentality. Payment is required. "Sorry," but that's just how it goes.

The new aggressive strain was discovered Feb. 11 in New York. As a result of this finding:
Medline Plus: Urging a major shift in U.S. policy, some health experts this week began recommending that virtually all Americans be tested routinely for the AIDS virus, much as they are for cancer and other diseases.

Merck Source - New HIV Strain May Progress Quickly

Plenty of information I hope.

This is not about discrimination, Nicholas.

The only resolution I can propose to protecting the blood supply is to:
  1. continue to ban gay men from donating blood (wise decision based on all the information out there due to high risk behavior and the mentality in that population group)
  2. promote education on HIV/AIDS to children in grade school & how it is contracted through
    • drug injection
    • infidelity
    • promiscuity
    • unprotected sex
    • risky sex (i.e. anal intercourse, rimming)
  3. and go through with the policy of having everyone screened for HIV/AIDS since there seems to be a fear to get tested.
Make it just like screening for cancer - make the patient aware based on a little information given to the medical personnel (i.e. are you sexually active?) and then routinely test for it.

As for my statement earlier, “If the population of straight people who donate blood suddenly increased by a sizeable margin, the risk of HIV getting through the blood banks would increase," that is just common sense. If you have a larger population donating blood, there is likely going to be more HIV going into the testing phase because there would probably be more infected individuals donating. Think about it.

There is apparently no way to find out if someone has AIDS unless you trust they are telling you the truth before you have sex with them...and you CHOOSE to ask if they have anything you may contract.

The third option would probably be a better measure for protecting the blood supply. Those who are HIV-negative could be given the "official O.K." to donate blood.

But donating blood is a choice. It cannot be forced on anyone.

And when you make a choice to harm yourself (i.e. drug injection, unprotected sex, multiple sex partners), you are also inadvertantly harm others.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Adam & Eve

In the beginning...

...was a man and his wife. And they were the first two human beings to set foot on Earth.
The first male gender: Adam.
The first female gender: Eve.

The creation of one man and one woman represented the natural order of human existence. A balance of creation. They were purposely fashioned to be different genders. There was one of each. Unique. Different. Separate. Yet, Together. (Two gather).

Man and woman -- though they were two uniquely differing genders -- were designed together for a combined purpose.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
God designed man and woman in His mind to have dominion over:
  • the fish of the sea,
  • the fowl of the air,
  • the cattle,
  • all the earth,
  • and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Quite a responsibility.

That word dominion comes from the Hebrew word radah {raw-daw'} and it means:
1) to rule, have dominion, dominate, tread down

a) (Qal) to have dominion, rule, subjugate
b) (Hiphil) to cause to dominate

The word dominion in the English language means:
  1. Control or the exercise of control; sovereignty
  2. A territory or sphere of influence or control; a realm.
  3. a: supreme authority: sovereignty b: a territory over which such authority is exercised
  4. the power (as authority) or right (as ownership) to use or dispose of property; specifically : absolute or exclusive use, control, ownership, or possession of property
  5. dominance or power through legal authority

The word subjugate in the English language means:
  1. To bring under control; conquer
  2. To make subservient; enslave

The word tread in the English language means:
  1. To walk on, over, or along.
  2. To press beneath the feet; trample.
  3. To subdue harshly or cruelly; crush.
  4. To form by walking or trampling: tread a path.
  5. To execute by walking or dancing: tread a measure.

With man and woman in mind, God gave them the responsibility to have dominion over [ have exclusive use of; own; control; conquer; enslave; influence; reign over; possess], through legal authority from God, the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle, the earth, and every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

God had this in His mind to do when He said,
  • Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
  • and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

God already designed [conceived, fashioned in His mind, formulated as a plan, contrived for a particular purpose, deliberately intended, executed in an artistic manner, drawn up for construction, arranged for manufacture, blue-printed, worked out] to have man and woman fit [appropriated, prepared, properly placed, joined, in harmony, adapted, agreeable, acceptable, compatible, correspond] together.

The Creator of the Universe knew what He was doing when He created man as male and female.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Male and Female. Man and Woman. Husband and Wife. Created for a deliberate reason...for a deliberate purpose. God "brought her [the woman] unto the man".

Look at the word man. There are two Hebrew words that were translated into today's English word of man.

The first Hebrew word is 'adam {aw-dawm'} and it means:
1) man, mankind
a) man, human being
b) man, mankind (much more frequently intended sense in OT)
c) Adam, first man
The second Hebrew word is 'iysh {eesh} and it means:
1) man
a) man, male (in contrast to woman, female)
b) husband
c) human being, person (in contrast to God)
d) servant
e) mankind
f) champion
g) great man
2) whosoever
3) each (adjective)

The Hebrew word 'adam translates into the English word man in these verses to speak of all of mankind that will come after [as a result of, because of, from] the first man, Adam:
  • Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] in our image,
  • Genesis 1:27 So God created man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
  • Genesis 2:5 ...and there was not a man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] to till the ground.
  • Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] became a living soul.
  • Genesis 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] whom he had formed.
  • Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam], and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
  • Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam],...
  • Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
  • Genesis 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam], made he a woman, and brought her unto the man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam].
  • Genesis 2:25 And they were both naked, the man [mankind, human being, first man, Adam] and his wife, and were not ashamed.

The Hebrew word 'iysh translates into the English word man in these verses to speak of the specific gender of man versus [in contrast to, opposite of] the gender of woman:
  • Genesis 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman [female, wife, woman (opposite of man)], because she was taken out of Man [male, husband, man (in contrast to woman, female)].
  • Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man [male, husband, man (in contrast to woman, female)] leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave [to cling, stay close, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, pursue closely, join to, overtake, catch, be joined together] unto his wife [female, wife, woman (opposite of man)]: and they shall be one flesh.

"A man [male, husband] will leave his father and his mother, and shall stick with, keep close, catch, and be joined together unto his wife..."
"...made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." (Gen 2:22)

Very deliberate. It was intentional on God's part to bring man and woman together. Male and female. It was his design.

God then created [shaped, formed, birthed] the finished pieces of his design, starting with Man:
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed [blew] into his nostrils the breath [spirit] of life; and man became a living [lively, active, fresh, flowing, reviving] soul [person, appetite, mind, desire, emotion, passion].

Man was created as was planned. Born of the earth. That was finished piece #1 of the design: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:

Next, God set the man to work in the earth as was planned:
Genesis 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Piece #2 of the design was finished. Eden was the man's practice area. He had to dress [cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of] the garden and keep [retain possession of, have as a supply, maintain for use, manage, tend, have charge of, hold under control, prevent from overgrowing, maintain in good condition, preserve, watch over attentively, look after] the garden.

Practicing in this small area would prepare him for the task of managing all the earth. Adam was the first male born of mankind. By learning in the Garden of Eden how to exercise his new authority over the animals and the earth, he could then teach it to those who came after him such as his new wife-to-be...and soon after, his children (after he and she "become one flesh" and become "fruitful and multiply").

The man practiced his influence, control, sovereignty, rule over the animals:
Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

But the finished product was not completed without the woman. To subdue the earth would require help. One man could not tread the whole face of the earth in a day to tend to every plant and every herb of the field. He would need help:
Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Help meet: Hebrew `ezer {ay'-zer} = help, succour, one who helps.
English succour = assistance in time of difficulty, help in a difficult situation, relief.

So God designed the perfect helper, piece #3:
Genesis 2:21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Woman was born of the flesh. She was fashioned for a purpose. She was not created [birthed, shaped, formed] as a child because:
  • man is not designed to do the childbearing
  • a woman is needed for that purpose
  • and she would help him meet God's requirements.
She would be the womb-bearing man; she would have the womb, bearing man-kind: Woman. She would help address this purpose: Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

God's requirements were spoken to them in Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

That word replenish comes from the Hebrew word male' {maw-lay'} and it means:
1) to fill, be full
a) (Qal)
  1. to be full
    • a) fulness, abundance (participle)
    • b) to be full, be accomplished, be ended
  2. to consecrate, fill the hand
b) (Niphal)
  1. to be filled, be armed, be satisfied
  2. to be accomplished, be ended
c) (Piel)
  1. to fill
    • a) to satisfy
    • b) to fulfil, accomplish, complete
    • c) to confirm
d) (Pual) to be filled
e) (Hithpael) to mass themselves against

From the moment the Woman is birthed, she is referred to as Wife.
The word "wife" is specifically used to refer to the woman in these verses:
  • Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
  • Genesis 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
  • Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
  • Genesis 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
  • Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
  • Genesis 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
  • Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man ['iysh, [male, husband, man (in contrast to woman, female)] from the LORD.
  • Genesis 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

That word wife comes from the Hebrew word 'ishshah {ish-shaw'} and it means:
1) woman, wife, female
a) woman (opposite of man)
b) wife (woman married to a man)
c) female (of animals)
d) each, every pronoun)

In fact, Adam finally gives her the name "Eve" (which means "life, living") after they eat of the tree (Gen 3:6,7), hide from God's presence [ashamed of their wrongdoing] (Gen 3:8-11), introduce the blame-game (Gen 3:12,13), and are both explained the tragedy of their error (Gen 3:14-19).
God redeems them of their sin [blood is spilled to clothe them] (Gen 3:21) and removes them from Eden (Gen 3:22-24).

So the third piece of the finished product was completed. Three ideas in mind: man and woman and dominion over earth (by filling it with mankind to exercise authority over it and the animals). By cleaving together, the man and woman would not only have dominion over the earth together...but they would be one flesh and multiply within [populate] the earth with their offspring.

Three = complete. Eve was the perfect help meet for Adam.
God made mankind
To till the ground
To exercise authority over earth
God made the female for the male
To give assistance to the male in times of difficulty
God instructed both the male & female to populate the earth.

It is clear why God created man and woman, male and female, husband and wife.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

i, Robot

Movie Review
I have read ISAAC ASIMOV books such as Robot Dreams and Robot Visions. So I wanted to see this movie as it was based on ISAAC ASIMOV's book and it contained one of my favorite celebrities, WILL SMITH, as "Spoon". Hollywood's theatrical versions of books never do them justice, but this movie had some really great effects. The artists did a really good job of animating the robots. If you're as curious as I am, then you'll watch the extras on the DVD to see how the movie was created. I am most fascinated with the progress of technology in the area of motion pictures and can really appreciate the use of the blue screen. Some parts of the movie were unrealistic - such as the use of the spherical wheels on Spoon's vehicle and how controlled the vehicle was on such wheels. Especially in the tunnel scene when the army of robots jump onto his vehicle, as it is pinned between the two USRobotics trucks, and he fights to loosen their grips from his vehicle by smashing up against the trucks' wheels and the walls of the tunnels. I just do not see how spherical wheels can ever work on a vehicle. There appears to be no logical form of control for that style of wheel.

But aside from those wheels, the movie's effects were great and WILL SMITH does a great job of throwing out sarcasm [humorous spoken lines with a straight face] to lighten up the audience in the midst of a serious plot with a scientific overtone.

If you have not read the book, you're in for a treat as you will be introduced to a set of laws created by the infamous science-fiction author and to a futuristic setting where robots integrate with the human race.

The lesson I think we -- as mankind placed in charge of the earth -- should pay heed to here is probably this: Don't put some thing else in charge of what we are in charge of. With the advances of technology, we're finding ourselves strengthened with so much efficiency and so little effort. But the downside to all that little effort is that we are introducing newer generations to "more work accomplished with little effort" that they have no idea what "hard work" really is all about. We may soon find ourselves with a generation that does not want any kind of work that involves any form of labor [i.e. bending, stooping, lifting, pulling, pushing]. Already we are finding a generation that has poor penmanship because they have been raised using the keyboard to write reports and letters. The progress of technology has allowed for the design of "helps" and "aids". But when "helps" and "aids" become "slaves" -- meaning, when we begin to use these technologies that were meant to assist us with tasks as the sole worker of the tasks...where they no longer assist us, but actually perform the work of the entire job itself...then we run the risk of handing over our "birthright" per se. We could "sell our birthright" to something else unwittingly and find out too late what damage we brought upon ourselves. And that is what I felt this story sort of touched upon from one facet.

~To him who has been given much, much is required.~

Inertia: Treachery in Alaska

Book Review
The setting of this gangster lifestyle is in my very own state: Alaska. I am acquainted with the author and was given the book to read over a weekend. Immediately, I found myself wrapped into the story as it pulled me into the lives of Curtis and June. Their home location was a suburb of Anchorage that my family lived in when we first started living off-base in the early '80s after being stationed to Elmendorf. Little did I know what sort of shady activities were taking place in that poor part of town. I think my dad had a clue as he would always joke that my best friend's dad was a pimp and his mom was a hooker. (DOH!) It was probably true now that I look back on it.

Curtis is invited into a lifestyle that he probably would have never been introduced to if his mom had not overdosed on the very powder her sister, June, had thrown her life away on. After a conflict between June and the man who invites him into the ring, the story takes off on a journey of greed, treachery, deceit, and death. The men in the drug ring live in places around Anchorage such as the poor 'burb of Mountain View to the high class area of the Hillside. They journey to L.A. and Seattle where their contacts are located. But with the introduction of Curtis to the group, the ring unravels.

There are some violent scenes involved. The language of this book is very strong and explicit. It is written in hard-core gangster slang. There's even a little glossary at the back of the book to help readers understand what is meant by the slang terms used. I found quite a few grammatical errors [i.e. usage of past & present tense; spelling], but they were easily forgiven. I talked to him today and learned that this is the first book published by this author. He never said whether he had any classes instructing him on how to write a book, but he did say that he will be brushing up on his English as time goes on. He has a second book due out soon - the sister to Inertia. And he's 700 pages into a third book that he feels is his "masterpiece". So we should be seeing more books coming from this reformed gentleman in the future.

Inertia: Treachery In Alaska

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (TFC): Russia & China

Sino-Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation signed July 16, 2001 between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

  1. China and Russia will develop the strategic cooperative partnership based on good-neighborliness, friendship, cooperation and peace, in accordance with the principles of mutual respect of each other's territorial integrity, non-aggression, non- interference in each other's internal affairs, mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence.

  2. Disputes between the two countries will be settled in line with stipulations in the U.N. Charter and other international principles by peaceful means. The two parties reaffirm that neither side will be the first to use nuclear weapons against the other and nor will it aim its strategic nuclear weapons at the other.

  3. The two parties respect the path of political, economic, social and cultural development of the other, to ensure the long-term steady development of bilateral relations. The two sides support each other's policy to maintain national unity and territorial integrity.

  4. Russia declares that there is only one China in the world, that the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government to represent the whole China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. Russia is opposed to any form of independence of Taiwan.

  5. The two sides are determined to build the boundary between the two countries into one of permanent peace and lasting friendship. The two parties will adhere to international principles concerned and strictly observe the boundary between the two countries.

  6. In accordance with existing agreements, the two countries will build up confidence in the military field and mutually reduce troops in the border areas. They will take more confidence- building measures in the military area to enhance their respective security and consolidate regional and international stability. Military cooperation between the two countries is not targeted at any third party.

  7. Neither party will join any alliance or group that harms the other's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. Neither of them will conclude such treaties with any third party, or allow a third country to use its territory to harm the other's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.

  8. The two parties to the treaty will utilize and perfect the mechanisms of regular meetings of officials at different levels, to exchange opinions and coordinate positions on bilateral issues, issues of mutual concern and on important and pressing international issues, so as to strengthen the strategic cooperative partnership based on equality and trust.

  9. The two sides will strictly adhere to the established principles and norms of international law and will oppose the interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country by force or under various excuses. They are willing to make great efforts to reinforce international peace, stability, development and cooperation.

  10. The two parties are opposed to any acts that may threaten international stability, security and peace, and will coordinate and cooperate in preventing international conflicts and finding political solutions to such conflicts.

  11. The two parties are jointly committed to maintaining global strategic balance and stability, and will endeavor to promote the adherence of fundamental agreements concerning the safeguarding and maintenance of strategic stability. The two sides will push forward the process of nuclear disarmament and the reduction of chemical weapons, and will take measures to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, means of delivery and related technologies.

  12. The two parties will strengthen coordination in the United Nations, the U.N. Security Council and its special organizations. Both sides will strive to enhance the key role of the United Nations as the most authoritative and most universal international body of sovereign states, in handling international affairs, particularly in the fields of peace and development.

  13. The two parties will vigorously promote and strengthen the stability in the neighboring areas of the two countries, create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, trust and cooperation, and push forward efforts that aim to set up a multilateral security and cooperation mechanism in the said areas in line with their actual situations.

  14. The two parties will deal with their debts and rights of credit in accordance with relevant agreements and other documents signed between the governments of the two countries.

  15. The two sides will conduct cooperation, on the basis of mutual benefit, in the fields of economy and trade, military technology, science and technology, energy, transport, nuclear energy, finance, aeronautics and space, information technology and other fields of mutual interests, and facilitate economic and trade cooperation in the border areas and between the localities of the two countries.

  16. The two sides will greatly boost exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, health, information, tourism, sports and law, and will protect intellectual property rights, in accordance with their respective domestic laws and international treaties they have joined.

  17. The two sides will cooperate in international financial institutions, economic organizations and forums, and in accordance with stipulations of such bodies, to facilitate the accession of one party to such bodies in which the other has already been a member.

  18. The two parties will cooperate in promoting the realization of human rights and basic freedoms. They will take effective measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the legal persons and natural persons of one country in the territory of the other, in accordance with their respective international obligations and domestic laws.

  19. The relevant departments of the two parties will investigate and settle problems and disputes arising from cooperation and business operations of legal persons and natural persons of one country in the territory of the other, in accordance with relevant laws.

  20. The two parties will cooperate in protecting environment, preventing cross-border pollution, and in utilizing waters in the border areas and the biological resources in the northern Pacific Ocean and cross-border rivers. The two sides will make joint efforts to protect the rare species of plants and animals and the ecosystems in the border areas.

  21. The two parties will, in accordance with their domestic laws and respective international obligations, conduct active cooperation in fighting terrorism, separatism and extremism, in combating organized crime and illegal trafficking of drugs and weapons. They will also cooperate in fighting illegal immigration.

  22. Both parties attach importance to the exchange and cooperation between the central (federal) legislatures and the law-enforcing agencies of the two countries. They will energetically promote the exchange and cooperation between the two countries' judicial organizations.

  23. The present treaty will not affect the rights and obligations of either party as a member of other international treaties, nor is it targeted at any third country.

  24. The treaty needs to be ratified by parliaments of the two countries and shall come into force on the date of exchange of instruments of ratification.

  25. The treaty has a validity period of 20 years, and will be automatically extended if neither party notifies the other its intention to terminate the treaty one year before its expiration.

Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Canada

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

DHS has a new Secretary

February 15, 2005 -- Judge Michael Chertoff was sworn in today as the second Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Chertoff formerly served as United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Suicide Ideology vs. God's Love

"Suicide Ideology" was the name of a Yahoo! chat room created by 26-year-old Gerald Krein. He was arrested in Klamath Falls, Oregon in his mother's mobile home on February 9. His goal was to get a bunch of people to commit suicide today: Valentine's Day. About 31 women participated in the chat room and expressed their assent to the mass suicide pact.
Chat room participants supposedly planned to commit suicide on Valentine's Day while logged on with each other.

The chat room is no longer active.
However, one woman stated she would not only kill herself, but she would kill her two children first. This led a Canadian woman, also a suicide participant, to go to authorities.
So far, investigators have tracked down four of the women Krein was in contact with: the woman who came forward in Canada and three others living in Oregon, Missouri and Virginia.

"In the Missouri and Virginia case, he was inviting them to bring their children with them," said Evinger. "It would have been four children total."

Women - DON'T DO IT.

Let me give you some MAJOR good reasons for starters:
  1. You were duped by a mama's boy
  2. Trailer trash reeled you in
  3. You were suckered by a confused man's twisted fantasy
  4. He's been scamming vulnerable women for five years to commit suicide for him
Ok let's cut to the chase. Here is a boy - not a man, because of obvious reasons - who is still living with mommy. He lives in a trailer... not a house with a beam from which women can hang themselves upon after having sex with him.
"The common theme is that these were women who were vulnerable, who were depressed," said Evinger. "He invited them to engage in certain sexual acts with him - and then they were to hang themselves naked from a beam in his house."
County Prosecutor Ed Caleb said no one knows for sure whether Krein intended to bring participants to his home or conduct the suicide over the Internet. Because Krein was living in a mobile home while organizing the suicide, the idea of hanging bodies from beams may indicate the idea was a fantasy.
He seeks out depressed , vulnerable women as victims on whom he can release his twisted fantasy. These women's emotions were played on. These women were lied to.

Here is part of a transcript he shared with an Oregon woman

Woman: How did you come up with the idea of a party? That's pretty creative.

Answer: Just did. So do you want to join?

Woman: Maybe.

Question: Do you want to hang?

Woman: No, gas.
Did he promise these women that he would kill himself too? Or were they supposed to kill themselves for him? And if they were supposed to kill themselves for him, then I ask: What kind of arrogance is this? Who does he think he is that someone should take their life for his miserable existence?

Dear Depressed Woman:

Let me just say that life was not meant to be easy. There will be difficult times to be faced. What does not kill us, makes us stronger as the saying goes. If you've survived through life thus far, then do have courage. Your life touches another life. What you do with your life affects the lives of others. Have courage. And if you find yourself struggling with thoughts of death, injury, self-defeat, and low-esteem...then understand that these are not thoughts God has given to you. They are thoughts meant to destroy you. God loves you. More than you love yourself. He loves you so much that he prepared a way for you to have life and to have it abundantly. But Satan wants to show himself more powerful than God. So he has devised ways for the creation to be destroyed. If he can get you to think the idea of destroying yourself is your idea, then he has won victory. Now all that remains is for you to destroy yourself. Then his goal is accomplished. Whatever device Satan can use to carry out his plans to maim, kill, and destroy he will grab hold of it and use it. He does not care. Because he did not create life. He can only kill it. God gives life. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to show us the depths of His love for you, for me, for all of us. It was not until Jesus Christ was born and walked the earth 2,000 years ago that we could ever know of the Father's love toward us. He sent His son to build a relationship with us. That through Jesus Christ we would be brought into right relationship with God. For all that call upon the name of Jesus Christ will be saved. God does not care who you are or what you have done. Come as you are. Satan would have you believe other things that are false such as, "Why would God love YOU? Look at you. Look at what you have done. Look at who you are. He could not love you. Nobody loves you. Not even yourself. Just end it." These are lies from the devil and do not listen to it. If a promise is ever given to you that involves killing life, injurying life, destroying life...then it's not a promise from God. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father. Please have courage. And have faith. Trust God. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

When you're crying for love, you're crying for God.

It is easy to ask for the epitome of Love...the personification of love itself: GOD... to come into your life and show you real love. Not a fleshly, instantly-satisfying-but-empty-feeling kind of love. A love that is everlasting. Do the following: If you genuinely want this kind of love (and this is not just for depressed women, but for ANYONE - God is not a respecter of persons), then with all your heart, mind, and strength say: Father who is in heaven, I want to know You and Your love for me. I believe that You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, in the flesh and that you raised Him from the dead. I ask you, Jesus, to come into my me, change me, and make me whole. Show me the love of the Father that I may walk in that love. Amen.

That prayer is for anyone. Sometimes we mistaken sexual acts and flirtation and acceptance from another as "true love". It doesn't matter who we are. We can be a man who has never had a right relationship with our dad. Or a woman who has never had a right relationship with our mother. Or we could be a young man who was molested as a child by someone. Or a woman who was raped at some point in our life. We've been hurt in our physical bodies and now our emotions are confused and hurt. Our spirit still exists within us and still seeks the love of God. But because we live in a physical world, we forget about God and we seek love from others. We want to be accepted and feel good about ourselves. Gratification through sex does not accomplish this end result. Masturbation brings an instant feeling of gratification followed by a feeling of guilt and dirtyness. It is tension released. But it is not peace from God. Adultery brings a feeling of acceptance and accomplishment (secret control) from another who is not our spouse. But it is not the love between man and wife that comes from God in a marriage covenant. Homosexuality brings a feeling of acceptance and comfort (friendship) from another of the same sex. But it is not the love that comes from God in a union between man and woman. Prostitution brings a feeling of accomplishment (payment for services, control) and acceptance. But it is not the love of God which provides for the smalles of our needs to the largest, makes us complete, and loves us as we are with no conditions.

When you learn the love of God and you find that you want to share your love with someone, then ask God to bring a husband or a wife. He does not wish for man or woman to be alone. He will hear your request and find someone for you. Be patient. Honor Him. He will honor you.

Seek Him and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

Police say Oregon man had been soliciting suicides for at least five years

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Pakistan Dam Breaks

Another devastation by water taking lives, leaving many homeless, damaging crops, destroying phone lines, roads, bridges, and the Karachi-Pasni highway. This occured late Thursday when the 485-foot-long Shakidor Dam, which was built in 2003 to provide irrigation for surrounding farms, burst from heavy rains.
The 485-foot-long Shakidor Dam burst late Thursday near the remote Pasni village in Baluchistan province, about 1,180 miles southwest of the capital, Islamabad. The torrent of water swept trucks out to sea and destroyed telephone lines, roads and eight bridges, according to officials and witnesses.

At least 135 confirmed dead in Pakistan dam accident: Hundreds still missing - By Zarar Khan, Associated Press

Putin's Policies Facing Protests

Hey Russia, people are not happy in your country.

Oh. You see that.
Moscow - An axiom here holds that Russians are politically passive, but the protests unfolding in cities across 11 time zones is challenging that, while raising questions about public support for the country's course under President Vladimir V. Putin.

The largest of the demonstrations have included no more than a few thousand protesters. But taken together, they are the largest by far of Mr. Putin's presidency and appear to signal a broadly felt, if ill-defined, discontent.
These protests may be demonstrated by just a few thousand, but they represent the country as a whole. Hope without action is dead. So now the people are demonstrating that they need to see action. They have been given hope. Now they want action. People want to see the government working for them. Government serves the people. That's what it does. Might be a hard concept to swallow for a person (or people) who want to be ruler(s) with riches and fame and a following. But the truth is: Government serves the people. That's how it should work if it's operating properly.
"In the first four years of Putin's regime, people had hope," said Roman A. Dobrokhotov, 21, a political science student at Moscow State University and a leader of a new group called Walking Without Putin. "Nowadays, people understand that under authoritarian rule, development is impossible. This government, this system, is not suitable for them."
Rut roh. The people had a taste of democracy before. Could it be that they want that again? Did the people of Russia get to vote whether their democratic government should be changed back to communism? Or were they just given no choice?

If I remember correctly, the change in Russia's government style of leadership (from Democratic to Communism) was forced upon the people. And during the process, certain leaders who opposed the change were "disappearing" left and right. I found that to be very disturbing. Still do. So maybe the malarky going on over in Russia is beginning to come to light. The only people who can make change are the citizens. With or without a vote.

Mounting Discontent in Russia Spills Into Streets - By STEVEN LEE MYERS, The New York Times, Published: February 12, 2005

Nobody's Fault but the Sunni Muslims'

The Sunnis are bitter, yet they had a chance to participate in the elections. They largely boycotted the vote & may have a minor role in the government.

Whose fault was that?
Their own.
The Los Angeles Times For the first time in modern Iraq's history, Sunnis, who largely boycotted the vote, are expected to have a minority role in the government. Embittered and threatened, Sunni groups are divided over whether to fight the Shiite ascendancy or participate in the drafting of a new constitution for the country, an exercise that will follow the selection of a president and prime minister.

Attacks Kill 24 at Shiite Sites - By John Daniszewski and T. Christian Miller, Times Staff Writers, February 12, 2005

Another Fetus Attempt!

What is this? Was there some class for these women in the mideast of the U.S. called How Poor White Trash Can Take Canother Woman's Unborn Child?

This is just bizarre. The second one and this one happened in Kentucky instead of in Kansas.

What's going on with these women? Good thing this pregnant woman kept her baby and her life.


Previous Article

North Korea, Quit Being So Hostile

Just face it Han Song Ryol, North Korea IS being hostile. I mean, it's one thing for someone to tell you that you're hostile or part of an "axis of evil". But it's a WHOLE 'NOTHER BALLGAME when you start acting out the statement.

So who is more guilt here? The one who called you hostile? Or YOU for proving the comment to be true?

U.S. Nuke Policy Called Hostile

This Will Go Down In History Books... a lesson to be learned for future national security advisors and Presidents on WHAT TO DO WHEN THE TOP COUNTERTERRORISM ADVISOR HANDS YOU A 13-PAGE PROPOSAL AND 3-PAGE MEMORANDUM EIGHT (8) MONTHS PRIOR TO A TERRORIST STRIKE.


Here's my Top Ten titles for history books:
  1. URGENT means URGENT!!!
  2. WAKE UP! Terrorists Keep 7-11 Hours (this could be taken wrong)
  3. Here's My Proposal, Let's Do Something NOW
  4. NOW means TODAY
  5. Eight Months Later Is a Long "Later"
  6. Even Though Nothing Is Happening, Don't Fall Asleep
  7. Face It, You Blew It
  8. Don't Act Like You Didn't Know
  9. CounterTerrorism Advisers Are Usually Appointed For a Reason
  10. Maybe You Should Have Paid Attention
At the request of the CIA, the National Security Archive has published the full version of the 13-page proposal and 3-page memo on its website (with some minor deletions) late Thursday.
The New York Times The 13-page proposal presented to Dr. Rice by her top counterterrorism adviser, Richard A. Clarke, laid out ways to step up the fight against Al Qaeda, focusing on Osama bin Laden's headquarters in Afghanistan. The ideas included giving "massive support" to anti-Taliban groups "to keep Islamic extremist fighters tied down"; destroying terrorist training camps "while classes are in session" and then sending in teams to gather intelligence on terrorist cells; deploying armed drone aircraft against known terrorists; more aggressively tracking Qaeda money; and accelerating the F.B.I.'s translation and analysis of material from surveillance of terrorism suspects in American cities.
The documents were given to Rice on Jan. 25. 2001.

'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan - By SCOTT SHANE, The New York Times - Published: February 12, 2005

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Syria Got It All Wrong

It's not about Syria attempting to have peace talks for 18 months with Israel. Although that is a good thing. But it is not deserving of a big pat on the back.

Syria is still harboring terrorists in their country and has made no attempt to do any of the following:
  1. Expose terrorist activities within Syria's boundaries.
  2. Punish exposed terrorists within Syria's boundaries.
  3. Actively seek terrorists and their locations within Syria's boundaries based on tips or activity noticed.
  4. Actively promote peace with Syria's neighbors in a nationwide campaign to have its citizens give information to the government that would lead to the arrest or conviction of insurgents, terrorists, and other criminals.
Perhaps if it tries doing these things, then they would receive a good report from the United States of America.

If you avoid the appearance of evil, then you will not be blamed for evil-doing. Eh? Pretty good philosophy you think? It's a proverb.

Syria Says Backing Abbas in Quest for Peace - Reuters Wed Feb 9, 2005 12:43 AM ET

Hitler Still Gets Mail

Soon we will be seeing pigs fly.

German post delivers Hitler card - BBC NEWS Last Updated:
Thursday, 10 February, 2005, 14:36 GMT

North Korea Unleashes Yet Another Threat

Feb. 10, 2005:
For the first time in public, North Korea admits it has nuclear weapons. At the same time it pulls out of disarmament talks indefinitely, blaming U.S. hostility.
For years, we have assumed North Korea had a nuclear warhead. The poor, starving country has been feverishly working on feeding it's nuclear program rather than nourishing it's 22 million people. Perhaps by starving the citizens and feeding its 1.2 million troops instead, North Korea figures any kind of war will not affect its citizens because they'll already be dead or half-dead from hunger.

Less than three years ago, North Korea violated a nuclear agreement with the U.S. by activating its nuclear program again.

Earlier this year, the country supplied arms to an Islamic group with ties to al-Qaeda:
Jan. 5, 2005:
Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun says North Korea sold 10,000 rifles and other weapons to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The group is based in the Philippines and allegedly has ties to al-Qaeda. The newspaper cites Southeast Asian security sources.
As a result of their assistance to at least this one Islamic group, North Korea has managed to injure themselves even more.

Not only have they recently assisted that group, but in the past they have provided military assistance to terrorist countries:
The country's largest industry is military production and it exports its ballistic military technology to such countries as Iran, Libya, Syria and Egypt.
After doing these things, North Korea expects the United States of America to just automatically "trust" them. They make demands on the U.S. of A. and in return they will supposedly, for the third time, halt their nuclear weapons program.

In 2003, North Korea offered to freeze its nuclear weapons program if the U.S. removes it from a list of countries friendly to terrorists, lifts sanctions against the country and resumes shipments of oil and aid.
*knock, knock* Hello? North Korea?

And you backed out.

So why should we trust you again? What's the big credible thing about you we should be considering when you make such demands of us?
"North Korea still is... one of those seven terrorist-sponsoring states. North Korea is not entitled to join the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, IMF, whatever international organizations," he says. "Because of these pending political and military issues, North Korea is not entitled to get foreign capital and technology."
North Korea probably should have thought about those sorts of consequences before rushing forward rashly with all their threats and missile "testing" and intimidation tactics and refusal to STOP nuclear weapons processing when told to do so by more than one source at more than one time. The biggest weakness of North Korea's leadership is their stubbornness and impatience. Each rash decision they have made has harmed their country more and more. Too proud to accept that they need assistance, they injure themselves to resist what they perceive as "dependence".

The Asian mindset can really be irritating in that way: stubborn & proud. How do I know? I have a parent who is Asian. Sometimes when I have wanted to help her out of the love in my heart, she would turn me away because she had a suspicion that I wanted something from her. Or because she had a suspicion that she would have to "owe" me. It is very irritating to deal with that mindset. I simply love her and that is what compels me to help and do for her. I do not need to ask anything from her and do not want anything in return from her, except her love. If she cannot give that, then why would I want anything else? There is nothing more important to me than that only. I help and do out of my love for her. Beyond that, there is nothing else. No obligations. No payments due. Nothing is owed. That cannot be love if those things existed. Because see, love is unconditional.

How does that apply to North Korea? The South Koreans only want to re-establish relationship with the North. The South has provided assistance to help its sibling to the North, only to feel slighted with the lack of "love" the North seems to be showing in return.
"North Korea doesn't appreciate our help," says one man. "They never say thank you, they just cause trouble. We should get rid of them."
This is the kind of sentiment some of the South express as a result of the cold shoulder the North seems to be returning. Instead of feeling returned response of "love" (if you will) from the North, they're finding themselves trying so hard to get the North to soften to the point that they have forgotten that the North can be a serious threat to them.
"The sunshine policy was implemented with the belief that if we provide peaceful assistance, economic assistance towards North Korea, then they will change their attitude and become more friendly with the South," says Park Jin. "The intention was benign, but the result was the opposite. Instead of softening North Korean attitude, actually it has softened the South Korean perception of North Korean threat, which I call backfired."
North Korea's leadership - particularly Kim Jong Il - needs to stop being so selfish and fearful and learn to open up to friendship. These things of stubbornness, selfishness, pride, and fear continue to push North Korea more into isolation but with more injury. If it caves itself in to a point that is too injurious, then it will become too blind to its own pain to be restored and will lash out at others.

Princess Di has Rolled-Over in the Grave

Time is the Sister of Truth.

After eight long years, the Prince of Wales and his secret lover, Camilla Parker Bowles, have finally announced that they are engaged to be married.

I sure hope their wedding does not last as long as the truly lovely and beautiful Princess Diana's wedding to the two-timing Prince Charles.

And I hope they do not try to trump his first wedding. Regardless, there will never be another Princess Diana.

Camilla's ex-husband must feel this >< small as he could have never fulfilled being a "Prince" to the home-wrecker.

Charles and Camilla face cameras - BBC News Last Updated: Thursday, 10 February, 2005, 22:24 GMT

Radical Islamists use the Internet to Target Christians

This is incredibly disturbing: the lengths at which people filled with hatred will go to in order to exact their vengeance.

Apparently there was a website created at what-used-to-be-the-address that posted the pictures of Christians who were debating Muslims in PalTalk. I first read this information in this Jihad Watch post. Upon reading all the comments to the post, I learned that the website had been shut down. Some of the comments were geared toward getting it shut down. I then read all the articles related to this situation.

The reality that must be faced here is simply this: Someone created that website and its intentions were not for good...especially in the case of Christians.

The problem that must be faced here is simply this: The Internet is vast and Internationally networks people quickly. These kinds of people will find places to flock together elsewhere on the Internet.

So the question I ask is this: How many more websites like this are out there?

The death of an Egyptian Coptic family in New Jersey brought to light this website. Apparently a picture of him and his wife was displayed on that barsomyat website.

The good news is that the FBI is investigating the hate site. They have been made aware that there are probably many more out there. That particular website had been passworded so the only way to enter was by registering. More than likely, that is what the FBI & other cyber-security forces will encounter when seeking those Muslim-hating-Christian websites.

Or how about Muslim-seeking-to-kill-Christian websites.

Same thing.

So we've got Muslims-hating-Christians not only OUTSIDE of the borders of the United States of America, but we have also got Muslims-hating-Christians WITHIN THE BORDERS OF THE U.S.of A. who are connecting over the Internet together to kill Christians?
The documents stress that when Muslims are in the lands of the unbelievers, they must behave as if on a mission behind enemy lines. Either they are there to acquire new knowledge and make money to be later employed in the jihad against the infidels, or they are there to proselytize the infidels until at least some convert to Islam.

I have a couple of problems with this. Mind if I just voice them out here? You do? Ok then you can just hit that "X" button at the top right of your browser there. The rest of you, let's just examine this for a moment:

The United States of America has always...ALWAYS...permitted people from other ethnic creeds and religions to enter into this country
  1. to practice their own religions
  2. to live peaceable lives together
  3. to escape abuses or tyranny from other countries
  4. to establish businesses and earn an honest living
And then we have jerks who come into this country and screw it up for the rest of us.

Can I be a Christian and still say that? Jerks.
Probably not. Jesus may correct me on that one. However, I think the word politely sums up what many of us living in this country feel these days.

If we pay attention, then we can see how the very PROTECTION and rights of United States citizens are BEING UNDERMINED by things like:
  • illegal aliens crossing the borders
  • illegal aliens crossing the borders & getting false documents to allow them to work here
  • illegal aliens crossing the borders & populating our towns & cities by living here
  • illegal aliens being granted rights...*shakes head*...for violiating our very own immigration laws
  • illegal aliens living & working in our country and figuring out how to "get around the system" to invite MORE ILLEGAL ALIENS to live & work here
  • and finally...
  • illegal aliens within our borders who live & work here and then plot to destroy our way of life due to an alternative agenda

And who are these illegal aliens?
Anyone who comes into this country falsely, wrongfully, illegally, deceitfully, cunningly.

Fortunately there are websites like the Internet Haganah (look at My Roll Call on the side-bar) that are watching out for the activities of terrorists on the Internet.

Now if only we could convince President Bush to place a Haganah on our borders. To seal them from those who would attempt to enter from countries where Terrorism and Terrorists are encouraged, taught, spawned, and harbored. We can let certain countries come in, but these others...uh-uh.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Iran & Allies in the production of Nuclear Arms

TEHRAN (AFP) Tue Feb 8, 7:31 AM ET Top national security official Hassan Rowhani said on state television that a military strike would only push Iran's nuclear activities underground, and told Washington that the stand-off should be settled by dialogue.
But really what I am thinking is: If those sites were destroyed by air or missile strikes, then Iran itself and most of the neighboring countries would all wind up underground! There would be no more Iran left. That's a scary thought: To have nuclear sites around you that could potentially be hit by a missile.


So...yeah, I could see how that would "push Iran's nuclear activities underground" in a way they had hoped to avoid.
"We are seeking to resolve our issues with the US. But they are blocking any chance of resolving the issues."
IRAN: We want to keep what nuclear sites we already have as part of this agreement.

U.S.: No.

IRAN: Then we want to keep our uranium enrichment program.

U.S.: No.

EUROPE: (Nodding their heads in agreement to the answer.) We want to make sure you cannot make weapons-grade material.

IRAN: But we have the right, under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, to work on the nuclear fuel cycle.

U.S.: No. You cannot be trusted.

EUROPE: That's right. You cannot be trusted. That loophole in the NPT is something you might exploit.

IRAN: But we only want to make fuel for nuclear reactors.

U.S.: No. Find another source of energy.

IRAN: But we want to be able to export our oil and gas...we need revenue...those are our only other sources of energy. Especially since you discovered we were helping al Qaeda after you captured Saddam...THEN you exposed the oil-for-food scandal, thus cutting off the funds we were getting from that!

Environmental Activists: We have a website to solar panels you could purchase and install on your buildings. But you gotta act quick because there's a high demand for them all over the world so they're running low. In fact, with all this sand around you, then you could make them and become a world provider of solar panels. There's an idea that's not only industrious for your economy but beneficial for the world...and the environment!

Everyone blinks at the Environmental Activists: Who invited them?

Iran...growing impatient at each block to THEIR agenda...erm...progress. Takes a quick look at the calendar. Frustration sweeps over his countenance...realizing it is only February 8. (March 20 seems like forever away.)

IRAN: We don't feel you guys are being very fair! We want to keep our toys! All the work that we and Russia have put into that imbecile, Saddam's, efforts has been set back as a result of your occupation in Iraq! Russia is getting away with their great deception! It's happening right underneath your noses! Saddam ALMOST got away with the latter part of his deception...and the outcome is not finalized. Capturing him was a bit of a snafu in the plans. But now let us have our way too! We need to begin implementing our part of this great plan too! It's been planned for over 10 years! You Westerners are always interfering.

An Iranian ally...advisor...dabs the sweat on Iran's furrowed brow and whispers in his ear. As Iran listens to the whisper, downing a glass of water, the expression on his face changes from frustrated anger to "oh crap"...eyes wide, blank expression. Iran almost chokes. Both he & the al..advisor look over at Russia. North Korea...erm...the advisor wipes the water from around his mouth & the table in front of him.

Russia gives a glare from her end of the table at it's other Arab puppet.

U.S.: (appearing unphased by what Iran just blurted out) No. You will not set your own conditions in regards to halting development of nuclear weapons. This time we're not playing your game of creating new conditions that have to be fulfilled somehow before you are prepared to live up to your international obligations.

EUROPE: (France, Britain, & Germany nod their heads in agreement)

As the meeting adjourns, Russia begins to approach Iran who finds an excuse to step into a room with the U.S. and others. Russia veers off to the left and departs the area. The U.S. grabs Iran by the arm while he's too busy looking over his shoulder. North Korea tries to eavesdrop as U.S. pulls him to the side and says:

We already know you're a puppet for Russia. So just give it up. You think they're going to uphold any promises she's made with you? Look at what she did to Iraq during the Gulf War -- Saddam had no idea what Russia was doing really. She has her own agenda. Look at today's news. Russia is only interested in herself. She's been trying to acquire money. She will make an agreement with anyone she can seduce. Then when she has acquired what she wants from the agreement - she dumps them. You're no better, dude. Wake up. She's using you to do her dirty work. We know she's holding the smoking gun. You're just a bullet. You're a great diversion to her grand deception. Think about it. Let her go & move on with your life. That solar panel idea actually wasn't so bad.

Monday, February 07, 2005

An Interrogation in the U.N. Oil-For-Food Scandal

I was reading a French e-newspaper article titled UN investigators want to interrogate Tareq Aziz on oil-for-food.

Aziz is the former Iraqi deputy prime minister and one of Saddam Hussein's right-hand man. His lawyer is Badie Aref Izzat. The article goes on to say that Aziz is ready to name people involved in the oil-for-food scandal which will not only threaten Kofi Annan but also "several leading figures and companies in FRANCE, Russia, and other countries."

So the country of FRANCE is involved in the scandal somehow: Some people & companies have profited from it.

Knowing that information, Aziz's lawyer has recommended (as one of Aziz's four options) to be interrogated in FRANCE.
"I think the best solution is to have this meeting in another country, like France, Germany, Switzerland or Sweden. You can't reach the truth inside a jail. And these countries will be too embarrassed to refuse," the lawyer said....I think France would be the most suitable place, as it was opposed to the invasion and it was also against the embargo," Aref explained.
*knock knock* Hello, McFly!

I don't think so. That would be a very unwise move. If he wants to "demand the meeting be transferred to another country", then a sound and very wise decision would be to eliminate FRANCE, Russia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq (duh), Turkey, and the countries that fall under the "others" category (that profited from the oil-for-food scandal) from that list of countries.


To avoid any...snafus. Any interferences. Any "noise in the lines". Any bribery attempts. Any malarky of any kind.

Because malarky is going on, y'know.

Not only is this lawyer suggesting that his client, Aziz, should demand that the meeting be held in France...But he is also suggesting that Aziz's "moral sense will prevail on his political instinct."

Excuse me, but...what moral sense does he refer to?
Does Aziz have a moral sense?

Allow me to point out one area where Aziz's so-called "moral sense" is lacking:
The only time he was allowed to see his client so far was for a six-hour meeting on December 23. Aref said Aziz had ruled out testifying against the former president then and would probably not change his mind.
Pretty much the entire world knows that "the former president" -- namely Saddam Hussein -- was a bad guy. A good percentage of that whole would even say he was an evil guy. This, based on what they know he has done to his own citizens, to women, and other reasons too numerous to list.

Aziz's reason for not wanting to TESTIFY against the former president:
"He is not faithful to Saddam Hussein, he is just faithful to Iraq and for the moment his country is under occupation. All he told me was: 'When I am free, I will write a book about Saddam Hussein'," the lawyer said.
Yeah right. Testifying is harmless. Don't expect me to buy into that lame excuse.

He doesn't want to testify because he would be a very valid and key witness to convict the currently condemned man. And let me point out that the lawyer also admitted that Aziz is a "very clever man" as well as a "political man". So...being clever and political...he darn well knows what he is doing. Even while confined.
"He is a political man, he is very clever, he holds a lot of information on this issue and he will assess the benefits that can be derived," Aref said. "But I believe that his moral sense will prevail on his political instinct."
*cough, choke, sputter* Whatever. Let him keep assessing his dreams of benefits because that's all they are from behind bars: Dreams.

Truly, this Aziz person is in no position for making any sort of demand. Not even coming from a so-called lawyer. He wants the chief scientist (Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash) in Saddam's former biological warfare program to be released because she is dying of breast cancer.

How about this for an answer? No.

She can be treated for such medical needs while in custody. It's been done before. This lawyer does not need to warn any government about anything in regards to prisoners of war who have committed acts that have resulted in, or would eventually lead to, the deaths of many innocent people. Especially citizens of their own country. This is no "humanitarian emergency." It's an attempt to let loose on earth a hazard that's currently contained.

She can be treated while remaining in custody.

If you take a life or lives -- and you weren't acting in self-defense -- then you can do the time to pay for the crime. Any health problems that arise while in jail should have been considered while your freedoms were in tact before you made a choice to jeopardize being confined to a prison.

We have choices in this life. She made her choice. So did Aziz. They can stay where they are.

Investigation Progress: U.N. Oil-For-Food Scandal

Benon Sevan & Joseph Stephanides were suspended WITH PAY (common procedure so as not to "prejudge the outcome of the investigation"). Wednesday, they will receive a letter listing the charges against them & have two weeks to respond. Sevan is the former head of the program & Stephanides helped set up the program in 1996.

One accusation on Sevan is for sending $1.5 million of an oil transaction to Boutros Boutros-Ghali's cousin.

Stephanides faces one accusation of aiding a British U.N. ambassador to improperly steer a major contract to a British company.

Volcker is continuing his probe until June. Under the program, Iraq was allowed to sell oil to buyers of its choosing and contract for food and other necessities to ease hardships caused by U.N. sanctions.
But he said the Iraqi government earned more than $8.5 billion outside the oil-for-food program, mainly through illegal oil trade to Jordan, Syria and Turkey and others, which was known to members of the U.N. Security Council, including the United States.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Warning Signs Too (Two)

Two posts ago, I asked whether or not you would tell anyone...warn them, rather...that something bad was about to happen if you had received indication of the event.

It does not matter whether or not you know EXACTLY what was going to happen. What matters is you JUST KNOW something BAD was going to happen.

What are BAD Things?



These are just some of the examples that we have recently faced on an international scale. Recently as in "the last five years". By "international scale", I mean, the entire world heard about it.

Ok, meanwhile - the people at the scenes...what were they doing?

I am talking about everyone involved...

...from the leadership (i.e. governing authorities, regulating authorities, authorities of any even the bosses of companies with any kind of information)... the working class (i.e. people working in the installations or companies that have knowledge of these events about to happen and then just average people working at the time who kind of have an idea that something bad just happened)... the tourists (i.e. people just visiting, taking in the sites, relaxing, and trying to simply enjoy their time away from home and work in another city and/or country).

I am of the opinion that when someone learns or discovers a life-threatening situation, then they have the awesome responsibility of reporting it to someone who can do something about it.

And if that someone who can do something about it does nothing about it, then go the next step and tell someone else who may not be able to do anything about it but would be willing to get a whole bunch of people who can do nothing about it to act upon it so that they're not hurt by it.

Heck, call up all the local TV news networks. Call the cable news networks. Call the radio stations. Get attention focused on this one simple fact: SOMETHING BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.

But first, evacuate yourself, eh?
You're no good to anyone dead. That's why the airlines have them stewardesses stand in the middle of the aisles at the beginning of take-off and teach you to put on your oxygen mask before putting one on the infant/child in your care. If you don't take care of yourself, then you cannot take care of anyone else. Common sense, eh? And a lot of wisdom there. Think about it.

So then...
Get to higher ground - in the case of the tsunami.

Get to flat, stable ground - in the case of the Twin Towers.


Ok. Let's stop here for a moment. Back up. To the part where I asked what are bad things. Those two events (the tsunami and the twin towers) are lessons to be learned. That is why I bring this up.

Think about it.

When the towers were hit, some things were going on prior to that...and during that...and after that.

But here is what happened prior that I was made aware of by watching accountings on TV, reading articles in various publications, and listening to the radio...

  • There were fighter planes in the sky looking for an unidentified aircraft flying too low. The fighter planes happened to be out on an exercise so there was nothing unordinary about seeing them in the sky flying around. That's a shame. But just the fact that there are fighter planes in the sky around Elmendorf AFB makes me look up.
I think the lesson to be learned here: Look up.

Stop walking around in self-absorbtion with your own life.
Get your head out of the clouds.
Don't look down at the ground all the time.
Take notice of other things around you such as...the airplanes in the sky - what are they doing? The big trucks driving by - what are their markings and license plate numbers? (Try to remember license plates by making their letters into words. For example, EAB516 may be Echo Alpha Bravo 5-1-6...or can be Eat At Burgerking 5 plus 1 equals 6.)
  • The first plane hit the first tower.
What was going on in the second tower? Did anyone notice from the 2nd tower what occurred to the 1st tower? Did they evacuate Were they even warned? "Well hey now looky there. The first tower had a plane crash right through it. Maybe we should evacuate just in case, eh? I don't know about you, but I'm going to leave anyway. Find out what happened from the ground level." That's a good way to excuse yourself from the building...act like you're going to go get more information. Or a smoke. "I need a cig. Wanna come?"

What about those in the first tower? Were there people inside who walking around in their offices with papers in their hands, reading, who suddenly stopped in their tracks and just kind of looked around asking, "What was that?" upon impact? Was there a working P.A. system that was accessible to announce overhead throughout the building, "Get out of the building as fast as you can!"

Did anyone, who made it to the street, have a cell phone on them and numbers available to call offices inside the building to make sure people KNEW to evacuate?
Maybe the lesson to be learned here: If something hits or shakes, you might prepare to run.
Just a thought.

What I really want to get at is this:

Damage happened. And it didn't happen without warning. Someone somewhere knew something about it.

In the case of the Twin Towers, there were government officials and FAA folks and FBI agents who knew. Did they call any of the CEOs in the Towers to warn them?


Not even to just say, "Uh, hey. This may sound a bit far-fetched to you, but you just have to trust me on this. Something is going to happen to the Towers. Not sure exactly what, but it's going to be very bad. So could you calmly begin evacuating your employees from the building? It might be an inconvenience, but better yet - it might save a lot of lives doing this."

At least an attempt was made to get people to safety first.

How about the tsunami? There were officials who knew the tsunami was coming. But did they warn the tourists and citizens?


They didn't want to interrupt the tourist industry. Just let them all die instead. Great way to promote tourism, eh? Oh yeah, like now I'm really going to feel safe in the hands of such trusted officials when I visit their countries. (*drip, drip, drip* Can you just hear that ooze with sarcasm?)


They knew the tsunami was coming, but they couldn't take a moment out of their time to tell the people on the beach, "Uh, can I have your attention please? Yeah, ok. Thanks. So...there was an earthquake earlier. Some of you may have felt it? Well, in about...five minutes...the ocean is going to swell and a very large wave is going to drown this entire area. So you may want to just start leaving the beach and head inland...preferably to higher ground. Not sure how high the water level will reach, but it's going to be very bad."

In both cases, in the end, with this kind of warning, many people's lives would have been saved and a big "thank you" would have been in order for caring enough to simply give a warning to begin with. Whether or not people heed the warning is up to them. At least someone tried. That's what matters most.