Monday, March 20, 2006

Becoming Christian is an "attack" on Islam?

Afghan Man Faces Death for Allegedly Converting to Christian
"We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law," the judge said. "It is an attack on Islam. ... The prosecutor is asking for the death penalty."

The last time I checked,

the people who are strapping bombs to their bodies and killing others were practicing Islam.

the people who are full of hate & go to other places in the world to kill people were practicing Islam.

the people who wanted a "Holy War" were practicing Islam.

The last time I checked,
God is love.

we are all descendants of Abraham.

Christians do not wield guns, shooting at people who practice Islam.

Christians do not strap bombs to their bodies and walk into mosques and public places to see how many Islams or Middle Easterners they could kill to secure a place in heaven.

the God of the Christians -- whose name is I Am, Jehovah, El Eliyon, El Shaddai, Elohim, Abba -- sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to teach us how to love as the Father loves.

The fact that converting to Christianity would be deemed an "attack on Islam" reveals the manner of thinking in those who practice Islam. It sounds like a fearful statement. An offended statement. A statement of defense. The statement declares much with just the six words: "It is an attack on Islam."

If you truly walk with God... the *real* God... the God who created the heavens and earth, who gave breath of life to men fashioned by His hands from dirt, who has all manner of good things in mind for us as long as we obey His commandments to love Him with all our heart soul and strength and love ONE ANOTHER even as He loves us...
If you truly walk with such a God, follow after such a God, then
the last thing you would be is offended that someone converted to another religion... instead YOU WOULD CRY OUT TO GOD FOR THEIR SALVATION. Not kill them.
the last thing you would be is afraid that many are converting to another religion... instead YOU WOULD CRY OUT TO GOD FOR THEIR SALVATION. Not kill them.
the last thing you would do is kill someone who converted to another religion... or make up laws that say You can't convert to another religion... instead YOU WOULD CRY OUT TO GOD FOR THEIR SALVATION...
Because that is what love does.

This way of thinking... this law... is backwards that would kill someone for such a reason.

If people are upset because of a few cartoons and would go up in arms all over the world, causing revolts, destruction, killings because someone supposedly "blasphemed" some prophet (which, by the way, you would not find Christians doing if someone said something evil about Elijah, Hezekiah, Obadiah, Haggai, John, Jeremiah, and other prophets... heck not even if they said something evil about Christ -- because God would take care of them, vengeance belongs to Him, not us)... then people should be upset about the fact that this stupid law exists!

BACKWARDS THINKING. Anybody else see it? Or am I the only one who escaped the box??

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