...Nor Am I an Investor.
My Name is not Merrill Lynch nor is it Smith Barney.
Contrary to widespread popular belief, I am not an Overseas Account Manager. But thanks to Google you may be able to find what you are looking for here. I do not advocate it, but if you're desperate enough then maybe that is your route. If you need help because you are being physically tortured or psychologically abused, then go to your nearest U.S. Embassy and ask for help. We help people like you. Tell them I said that: an average American. As an American, I believe in that. If they don't help you, then I want to know. Why? Because I believe Human Rights is an international issue and when people run to a certain country's embassy for assistance and that country does not take the responsibility of investigating into the matter and doing something about it, then I want to hear about it. I think the United States of America does something about it. It might take years because complaints have to be investigated and validated. (However, I did not see a U.S. Embassy for Palestine. Hmmm. Why isn't there a U.S. Embassy in Palestine? Are we banned from there? Then that could be a problem if you're Palestinian. Isn't Palestine part of Israel? DOH! I'll talk more about that later.)
I thought the last post would be my last post on this issue. But I just couldn't pass this one up. Let me tell those of you who read my posts and are from other countries: I may have compassion for your plight - but if you know me well enough and have read these posts closely, you'll know that I don't play this game of:
Please help me. Someone died and I have lots of money stored somewhere, but it's a secret. Will you help me secure these funds by opening a bank account or investing somewhere? If you are trustworthy, I will give you more money. This is to help me and my family so we do not go bankrupt. I don't trust anyone in my country or government. I know you are a sympathizer and will understand. My attorney will contact you. This is urgent so please respond soon. Please keep all of this a secret.
My answer is: No.
There are ways of getting help and one of them is not by coming to my website, getting my email address, and sending me these kinds of letters. As you know, I post these letters here for viewers to read. These letters include your contact address. (I don't care who you claim to be.) I don't care if you are the late Mr. Yassar Arafat's widow, the Queen of England's grandson, the sister of Al Zarqawi, or the cousin of Bin Laden. If you send me another letter like this, you will find that I will not be conscious of your request to keep the letter secret. I will post it here. And if International Media or Security gets ahold of it - then you've not heeded my warning. If that shows no compassion, then understand you've shown no respect for my request as well. It is made public.
I hold this website to talk about newsworthy events in the world that come to my attention. I do not have a lot of time to write up posts, but when I do I like to discuss something that has been on my mind or grabbed my attention. I like to bring to light things that seem corrupt in nature. I like to talk about things that people usually gloss over. I'm interested in trivial matters. I don't know why. I'm a curious person. I read, research, investigate, and I like to know the "why" about things. I like to share what I feel and know about world events, people, places, and things... and I like to read what others feel and know about them as well. That is the purpose of this website. If you want to send me money, then click on the advertising links on this page. That'll do the trick. But if you want to send money that's secret and store it in secret and not talk about it because it's all a big secret: You've got the wrong person. I'm not about secrets. Not those kind. That's all you need to know.
Now, I've given a few links above that may aid and abet to your cause. Go check them out. Do some research. If you have access to the Internet, then you have access to a world of information. Do your research and get real help.
For the rest of my readers who've enjoyed reading the posts here - let's get back to our usual broadcast, shall we?
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