Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The Grammar B---- said…


Wow…I love the courage of this post. Who would have thought that a “cranky grammar b---- with blue pencil in hand” would be miffed enough to post something like this after having read one-too-many blogs written in all lowercase or with improper punctuation? If anyone needs a motivational boost (read: “a kick in the arse”) to polish up your typewritten rants, then read the link.

I do agree with one part, but I do not agree with another part.

First, what I agree with:
A blogger must be a writer and an editor if he wants to attract and keep readers. A well-written blog indicates respect both for the medium and for the reader. Proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar are not merely the tools by which anal-retentive freaks like me get their kicks; they give words meaning, clarity, and, if you're lucky, beauty. Proper punctuation can mean the difference between comments full of flame wars and comments rife with meaningful discourse.”

Now, what I disagree with:
It's time for a little tough love, people: Anyone who types in all lowercase needs to be taken out back and beaten. You are not e.e. cummings; you are not being "artistic." …Use an ellipsis to indicate words omitted from a direct quote or to trail off intriguingly. If neither of these are your intention, try a period.”
While I agree that reading a well-written, well-punctuated article, rant, posting, will indicate to me a great deal of intelligence on the writer’s part (whether or not the writer is to receive the kudos as there may be an editor involved)… I do not agree with the idea that someone is not being “artistic.” People do things to be unique or individual. I could debate that someone’s writing style is enough to indicate their individual uniqueness. However, in this medium (the Internet) where much is visual and individual expression is rampant, encouraged, and infectious; it is unclear whether someone was attempting to be artistic or truly was “too lazy to hit the shift key”.

If you can't be bothered with the extra keystroke, I can't be bothered to read your site.”
Now there is some sound advice to resolve that issue!

As for the ellipses, I use them for both the correct reasons as well as for my own “artistic” reason. I choose sometimes to place three dots in a break of a sentence where I may have a neural nuclear misfire (read: “brain is on overload”) and need a moment to let the spinning gears slow down so I can capture whatever it was I was trying to get at. I found it intriguing in a well-established, well-paid author’s writing style and adopted it into my style database for random use at will.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

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